Classical Academy High School

Personalized Learning Campus

November 9th - 13th

Dear Classical Academy Family,

Today an email and survey will be released to provide you options for second semester. This is part one of a two part survey. This first survey is to give us an idea of how many students will remain in distance learning through the end of the 2020-21 school year. Rest assured that distance learning will remain an option and our teachers will still have weekly synchronous classes. The other two options will help us plan for returning to campus on January 19, 2021. 

Some exciting dates this week; No school on Wednesday, November 11, due to Veterans Day. Super Smash Bros tournament on Thursday. And the Big Deadline on Friday, November 13. All students should have completed their work sample checkpoint, for each class, by Friday. PE and Reading logs should also be updated. These are critical pieces for our audit and funding process, so thank you for being diligent with these items. 

As we are 241 days into the pandemic, we ask that you continue to be safe and cautious when on and off campus. When coming on campus, everyone must wear a mask, follow protocol, and remain socially distanced. We continue to offer additional opportunities for students to come on campus, while also supporting those who wish to stay home. The big question, "How can we support you this week?" Our entire team is ready to serve. Please reach out if there is something we can do for you. 

Thank you for your partnership. Thank you for your support. And thank you for being positive on purpose!

Dr. Stacey Perez

Important Dates:

Weekly Calendar (November 9th - 13th)

CAHS PL Partial Reopening Schedule_Nov 9-13, 2020

Important Announcements

Super Smash Bros Tournament

We’re so excited to host our first in-person event!  We are hosting a FREE Super Smash Bros Tournament on Thursday Nov. 12th @ 2pm!!  It’s free!  We will have limited numbers, practice social distancing and wearing masks.  Click here to sign up to participate.  3 rounds, 3 chances to win! Game Stop Gift Cards for winners!  Event will be in Upstairs Auditorium.

Be aware that this event could be cancelled in the event that San Diego County is moved to the "Purple Tier".  Please check Schoology for updates.

Virtual Talent Show

Show off your talents and skills at our CAHS-PL School Wide Virtual Talent Show!  Submit videos by sending original files (or links to Google drive files) to Mrs. Lindsey Williams in a Schoology message by November 28th.  Videos must be filmed horizontally. All kinds of talents are welcome.  Videos must be 3 minutes or less and must be school appropriate. We can’t wait to see what you guys are capable of!  On December 4th @ 2pm we will stream a live video of the performances on YouTube!

Virtual Talent Show Viewing Party

We will be showing the livestream of the Talent Show in the Auditorium on campus starting at 2pm on Friday, Dec 4th!  We will be socially distanced and wearing masks.  The Auditorium is marked out with 6’ squares.  Come and camp out in a square for the viewing of the show!  Bring a lawn chair or a blanket to sit on, and bring your own snacks or other ways to get comfy!  Since we have limited space, you will need to sign up ahead of time. Click here to sign up.

Introducing Class Hogwarts Houses!  Leadership is going to start keeping score ...

For games, events and activities, for spirit days, for good behavior, or anything else they deem worthy of points! The house/class with the most points at the end of the year gets a prize!

On November 18th @ 2pm we will have our first Virtual Common Room.  Look for the Zoom link on Schoology, come hang out and get to know other students in your class, play some games and win points for your House!

On Campus COVID-19 Safety Regulations

As we start having some small groups of students back on campus, it is important to remember to adhere to certain Safety Precautions to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.  The Security and Support Team put together a video to help you remember what safety standards you must follow whenever you are able to join us on campus.

Enjoy! :)

Campus Covid Regulations.mp4

Digital Work Samples

Each of the schools within The Classical Academies is an Independent Study program in the State of California.  As such we are required to collect work samples from each course, each learning period, for each student.  Those samples are then stored for 7 years.  On an annual basis that is over 200,000 pieces of paper, plus folders and labels and storage space for all those files, times 7 years.  You can imagine the amount of space and hours it takes to manage all of that.  

Moving to digital storage is our best option as it saves space, paper, and time while increasing accuracy and security.  We have been slowly working towards this goal for the last two years.  We started with electronic Master Agreements and Learning Logs as well as submission of assignments through Schoology for some classes/courses. Starting in the 2020-2021 school year and moving forward, we are having all families submit their samples electronically.  

We understand it has been a challenging transition for some.  We want you to know that we appreciate the time it takes to make this happen. This is a team effort!  If you are having challenges with submitting samples, please reach out to your Teacher or Educational Specialist for support.  We will work together to create solutions. 

Breakfast Program

The Classical Academies participates in a school meal program by offering a nutritious breakfast meal every school day. Our breakfast program is available to all students that are on campus longer than two hours for an educational purpose.

Prepackaged Breakfast Kits are available on campus at any time throughout the day to allow for flexible schedules. The Breakfast Kits must be ordered online at by noon the day before your student is on campus.

When students arrive on campus, they can ask at the front desk to receive their pre-ordered breakfast.  Then they will be able to choose from the available prepackaged Breakfast Kits. Each Breakfast Kit includes a breakfast cereal, dried fruit, unsweetened regular or flavored applesauce, graham crackers, and low-fat milk. All Breakfast Kits include a spoon and napkin.

The cost is $3.00 per Breakfast Kit. Eligible students may receive meals free of charge if qualified.

For more information, click HERE to be directed to our Classical Academies Meal Program website or HERE to download the online ordering and registration instructions for your site. 

School Meals Available at Community Locations

On October 9, 2020, the USDA extended the summer grab-and-go school meal program to encompass the entire school year. Children are eligible to receive meals regardless of school or district of attendance. School districts are working hard to implement the new guidelines and meet local needs. Locally, we are aware of meal services in Escondido, Oceanside, and Vista. Please visit their websites for more information. To find out when your neighborhood school will be ready to participate in this program, please visit 20/21 Meal Sites for Students.

Please also visit these other community resources:

U.S. Department of Education Meals for Kids Site Finder

San Diego Food Bank

Feeding San Diego

No Kid Hungry Food Finder

Reminder of Content Assessment Policies and Procedures

Click here to see email sent out on October 7th regarding Content Assessments Procedures and Schedule

Click here to see Teacher Office Hour Schedule

Scholarship Opportunity

One of our own wonderful teachers, Mrs. Vicki Mazur has established the endowed Herbert A. Odle STEM $1,000 Scholarship, a tribute to her Father, to be awarded to one graduating student annually!

Click here for information on how to apply.

AP Exam Information


If you are currently in an AP course, all AP teachers have been sharing their AP classroom Join Codes for each of your individual AP classes. Signing up to take an AP spring exam is a simple 2 STEP PROCESS. Students will register on their College Board account by joining their AP classroom AND by paying for the exam on Total Registration. Please see the link below with step-by-step instructions and the link to pay on Total Registration.

Please sign up by October 2nd to avoid any late fees. The first deadline that will incur a late fee will be October 2nd. This fee is $20. The high school order for all AP Classes will be FINALIZED on November 11th. Any late registrations allowed, will result in a $40 late fee. 


FYI - The sign up link for the PSAT will be posted within the next couple of weeks if you have not signed up already

Attention 11th graders: If you are currently in 11th grade and signed up at Gear Up for the PSAT then please note that The College Board has scheduled a new testing date.

 The PSAT has been moved from October to Tuesday, January 26th. Please mark your calendars. More information and details to follow.

Important Distance Learning Documents

CAHS-PL Distance Learning Norms.pdf
20_21 Schedule - Sheet1 (6).pdf
CAHS PL Big Deadlines and Cohort Conferences 2020-21.pdf
Who Do I Ask_ (2).pdf

CAHS-PL 2020/2021 Handbook

Click the link below to see this years handbook

CAHS Gear now has an Online Store!

For help with your student's Social/Emotional Needs we have counselors available.  Please contact either our school Counselor, Charles Threat at or our Special Education Social Worker Erin Cobos at  They will be happy to set up a time to meet with your student virtually.  

Club Information

Click here to see an up-to-date list of current Clubs at CAHS-PL

Click here for the New Club Application

Order CAHS Yearbooks - use school code "8324"

Senior Information

Senior Night.pdf

Seniors and Parents - did you miss this event?  Don't worry, the live video was recorded!  You can view it at the link above.

Grad Nite 2021 - live links.pdf

Parent Volunteer Information

Community News

The information in this section is provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. It is independent of Classical Academy High School and is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by The Classical Academies. Please contact the service provider directly with all questions or concerns.

Community Service Opportunity:

Volunteers Needed for Northern Lights.pdf

Counselor's Corner

Laura Hughes, Lead Counselor and Classical Academy High School

Charles Threat III, Classical Academy High School - Personalized Learning Campus

Jessica Novello, Coastal Academy High School

Alissa Atkins, Classical Academy Middle School

Jennifer Meehan, Coastal Academy

Chad Chandler, TCA Bear Valley

Charity Marino, TCA Vista

Program Feedback

Comments, Suggestions, Great Ideas….

Do you have a comment, suggestion, idea to share? We have a special email address just for you,

Your partnership is valued. Your ideas strengthen our programs. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Are you an Amazon Customer? Do you plan on making a purchase? If you answered yes, please keep in mind that 0.5% will go to CAO if you simply enter the site with

Once you have designated Classical Academy Incorporated as your charity, you must make purchases through (not for TCA to receive credit for your purchases.