Latin at RPA

"fortes fortuna iuvat - fortune favours the brave"

Pliny the Younger

Latin at Richmond Park Academy

Our key intent is for our students not only to learn the Latin language but also to gain a deeper understanding of how language works both specifically as concerns English and in general finding points of interest in any language.

In Latin Literature we want our students to appreciate both what the sources can tell us in a historical sense and also the way the language is used to express the opinions of the writers. We also want to think about what we don't know and the voices we do not hear because they do not survive. We want them to recognise the problems of generalising across the culture from the few sources available.

In Latin Culture we want our students to connect with Roman culture through the sources and to critically examine Roman identity and way of life. Again we also want to think about what elements of the society are less well represented in the sources and what we can find out about life for the whole community. We want to relate this to our own cultures and appreciate what we have inherited culturally from the Romans.

Who's who in the team

Ms Robert-Nicoud - Teacher of Latin and Economics

A very warm welcome from the  MFL department  at RPA - a department that continues to grow from strength to strength and one that is attracting more interest than ever before at both Key Stage 4 and 5.

Current government thinking suggests that future university entrance will demand a foreign language as a mandatory GCSE and with the introduction of the English Baccalaureate qualification the importance of studying a language to GCSE level is even more at the forefront of our students’ minds. Latin counts as a language towards this qualification.

We want all our students to be strong, confident communicators who delight in the cultural diversity in the world around them. The sequencing of the lessons ensures that students are constantly building on prior knowledge and through the use of authentic ancient materials we investigate the real life context of the language. Cultural capital is an integral part of the curriculum, including myth stories and other literature pieces that still form the basis of much of our culture today.

What we do when

Year 9

Six lessons offered at the end of Year 9 covering language basics, Roman houses, Pompeii

Year 10

More complex language including some myth stories, first piece of ancient literature, further cultural investigation depending on topics required.

Year 11

Language practice based on myth and Roman history stories, rest of literature pieces, full culture appreciation and application.

Students are assessed termly with the last assessment in Year 10 a mock GCSE paper - though only on taught content.  In Year 11 there are two mock exam cycles.

Who to contact

Ms A Robert-Nicoud -

Future careers

A snowman with a note saying "caecilius est in horto".