All students have a right to:

A broad, balanced curriculum

A curriculum that is relevant and differentiated to develop their abilities and to maximise their potential

Experience stimulating, satisfying and relevant educational experiences

Become equipped for adult life.

Staff of RPA welcome students of all abilities.

All members of staff at RPA are aware of their role and the responsibility they share for identifying and making effective provision for the additional educational needs and disabilities of students.

RPA actively encourages an effective partnership in developing and implementing a joint approach with the school in meeting additional educational needs. We welcome the involvement of students and their families in the process of assessing and making effective provision for additional educational needs.

We recognise that communication is a vital aspect of our response to our students’ needs, and are constantly looking for new ways to engage with students and their families. 

The Staff of RPA actively engages in communication with parents/carers and other agencies in meeting the needs of our students.

RPA believes that students should be supported in developing their learning, independence and resilience as well as to reinforce their personal confidence and self-esteem. 

The staff of RPA recognise that additional educational needs are not static, that students and needs change over time and that all aspects of its policy require review on an annual basis and appropriate adjustments made.

Admission Arrangements

The school’s arrangements for admitting students apply, except in relation to those students with an Education, Health and Care Plan. We will ensure that students with additional educational needs join in the activities of the school with other students, so far as is reasonably practical and compatible with students receiving the necessary special educational provision, the efficient education of other students in the school and the efficient use of resources.

Primary/Secondary Transfer

Students with additional educational needs are identified through liaison with colleagues in primary schools both in and out borough. Where possible all relevant information pertaining to a student is gathered from the schools, colleagues, parents/carers and external agencies. 

At secondary transfer and when the students arrive at RPA, some additional screening takes place in the form of CAT tests. In some instances, additional screening may be required. 

The data obtained from additional screening and the KS2 results are collated and disseminated into the SEN Register/Provision Map either prior to or shortly after admission. This information is then distributed to all staff. 

Students who are on the SEN register at primary school will continue on the SEN register at secondary school, except where this is no longer appropriate. Parents/carers will be informed that their child is on our SEN register and is receiving additional support.

Students with a Statement

Information concerning these students from in and out of borough primary schools is made available early in the transfer process. Whenever possible the SENCO or a nominated member of the SEN team will attend a Year 6 transitional review. Admissions for students with an EHCP conform to statutory procedures. 

Special arrangements are made to support the inclusion of students with an EHCP. These may include either the SENCO or a delegated member of the team, visiting the student at their school in the term prior to transfer. 

We will invite the parents and the student to the school to discuss the transition with the SENCO or member of the senior leadership team.

We have an extended transition programme in place to support students with additional needs or specific vulnerabilities, who are transferring from Year 6 into Year 7. Information about this is sent to primary SENCOs at the beginning of June each year.

Casual Admissions

Where students with additional educational needs enter during the course of the school year, enquiries are made prior to entry, from the parents and the previous school. The SENCO is invited to attend the interview.