UCAS and University Support


Applying to University - Parents presentation links.pdf
Applying to University - A student guide. Entry 2024.pdf
jms-zbey-mtb (2021-07-01 at 08:34 GMT-7)

Tutor Programme

Every week, 6th formers have a Careers segment delivered in their tutor programmed The programme is developed with the goal of preparing students for both work and higher education.

Visiting universities

Students are encouraged to attend university open days and taster days. The Open Days booking system opens in December and students apply in the spring term for universities they hope to visit. We encourage these visits so students can get a real feel for universities they are considering applying to. Taster days and summer schools can be a valuable source of learning which informs and enhances subject knowledge at A Level / Level 3 and into higher education.

Higher Education Fair

During spring or summer term Year 12, the whole year group will visit a London-based UCAS Higher Education Fair, which attracts around numerous universities from across the UK including London and Russell Group universities.

Personal Statement support

Towards the end of the academic year, Year 12’s will register with UCAS and participate in UCAS and Personal Statement workshops. These sessions are the beginning of the application process which continues into the autumn term Year 13.


Students begin serious work on their UCAS applications during the summer break and in September / October.

Early applications to university are for those applying for; veterinary, medical, dentistry or Oxbridge courses. One-to-one's take place throughout September, to support application for the October deadline.

Application deadlines

For most other students, support sessions take place throughout September-November to ensure applications are ready to submit to UCAS after the Christmas break.

Students can track their applications through the UCAS Hub.

UCAS Extra

UCAS Extra is open from January to June; this facet of UCAS allows students who haven’t been offered a place to apply for another course.

Results Day support

Staff are on hand during and following results day to ensure students have confirmed their places, or to go through the clearing process for those who have not been offered a place. Staff members are available to support students who need to telephone universities on the day.


Students will know whether they have been placed in Clearing by checking their UCAS Hub on the morning of results day from around 8am. Numerous good universities usually still have spaces available on courses. Students need to have their UCAS ID number as well as GCSE and A Level results to hand when contacting universities about courses through clearing.