Academy Opportunity Fund

At Richmond Park Academy we take every opportunity we can to enhance the learning experiences that our students have. Like any good school, we want our students to be engaged and energised by the opportunities that we can give them. Much of this happens within the school budget but we are always looking at different ways to secure additional funding so that we can over deliver as often as possible.  

One of the ways we do that is by asking parents to consider supporting our Academy Opportunity Fund. This can be a one-off payment or a standing order commitment. Money raised helps us to:

The resources that the Academy Opportunity Fund brings into the school make a genuine and long-lasting difference. In the last academic year, we have been able to buy a new table tennis table, soil and fertiliser for our garden, art screening and materials for the art department, furniture for our 6th form and, with the PTA, new staging for Park Hall. 

How to Donate

You can contribute on an ad hoc basis on ParentPay at any time.

You can set up a standing order using the bank details for the fund below. 

Bank: HSBC

Sort code: 40 11 60

Account: 10146781

Reference: Students name and Year Group

Account name: Richmond Park Academy

Thank you for your ongoing support for RPA.