
Career, Work Related Learning and Enterprise is essential in preparing students for their development and transition into adult life. It links learning to the world of work and equips young people with the knowledge, skills and personal attributes required to succeed.

The Careers Team

Miss Pritchard is our named Careers Leader and is a Level 6 qualified Careers Adviser. She can be contacted on 020 8876 8891

Unifrog: since 2021

Richmond Park Academy has Unifrog for every student, parent and teacher. The platform allows students to investigate careers though; know-how libraries, personality and interest profiles, MOOCs (massive open online courses), recording activities, searching for opportunities, drafting and making applications and much much more.

Careers Programme

Our students careers learning is based upon the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. It is founded on a stable programme of careers education. Students gain access to independent careers and labour market information, with multiple opportunities to discover information relevant to them individually, as well as group guidance and one-to-one guidance sessions with our L6 qualified careers adviser. Our teachers often relate their lessons to careers, so students understand how school is relevant to the wider world. Students meet employers and working professionals through visiting speakers, experiences of the workplace, and visits to local universities, through subject lessons, trips, and specific careers events.

KEY STAGE 3: Beginning in Year 7, all students have a programme of Careers Education delivered through the tutor programme. All students from Year 7 are given direct access to impartial information and advice, and in Year 9 every student will have a face-to-face meeting with a careers adviser as well as the chance to make informed choices about their option subjects. They will have the opportunity to be involved each year in an engaging Personal Development programme, with First Give in Year 7, Headstarted in Year 8, and Wings of Hope Achievement Awards in Year 9.

KEY STAGE 4: During Year 10 students focus on work-related learning and take part in workshops such as careers matching tests, mock interviews, public speaking and the chance to experience a workplace. Key Stage 4 students have the opportunity to attend careers fairs as well as access to a Level 6 qualified careers adviser for a face-to-face interview about their choices. Year 11 students have support in making applications to colleges, 6th forms and apprenticeships. 

KEY STAGE 5: During 6th form students have numerous chances to research their careers, have face-to-face guidance with a Level 6 qualified careers adviser and take part in work experience as well as having regular opportunities to hear from employers and speakers. There is a full support structure in place for making visits to and applications for university, apprenticeships or employment.

Contact Miss Pritchard via email, or on the academy telephone number, for further details about the careers programme. 

Quality Assurance and Impact on Careers

Careers is regularly tracked, monitored and evaluated to know whether successful outcomes and positive impact have been achieved for all students. 

This happens through:

The academy assesses the careers programme’s impact on pupils through termly surveys and destinations data. The information on this page is updated annually during the autumn term.

Welcoming professionals and education providers

If you are an employer, education provider or other professional interested in engaging with our students, please contact Miss Pritchard to arrange. You can find an overview of activities which take place for each year group in our Provider Access Policy.

Examples of professionals who have engaged with our students are: Authors, Chefs, Chief Marketing Officers, Dancers, Designers, Doctors, Engineers, Entrepreneurs, Journalists, Nurses, Sportsmen, and more.

Hearing from Employers and Employees

There are numerous digital sources to hear from people in the workplace about the way they work, how they got into their career and other tips. You can use sources such as: -

Unifrog Insights which includes recordings as well as upcoming events

Speakers for Schools Broadcast Video Library

Changing Education Sector Spotlight Sessions

Work Experience 2023-24

During Year 10 and Year 12, students will have the opportunity to gain work experience.

Year 10 work experience: Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th March 2024

Year 12 work experience: Monday 1st - Friday 5th July 2024