To view current vacancies within Richmond Park Academy, please visit the below link.
To view all vacancies across Lift Schools, please visit the below link.
All Lift schools are committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and expect all staff to share this commitment. A Disclosure and Barring Service Certificate will be required for all posts.
Vacancies for Clerks to Governors in Richmond and Kingston boroughs
Richmond and Kingston have a number of vacancies across both boroughs for Clerks to Governors. Working as professional advisers in this crucial role, they provide support and advice to governors applying organisational and strong administrative skills. Ongoing support and training will be provided.
The position is ideal for anyone seeking part time, flexible working . For full details and list of current vacancies, contact Lyn Barnes 020 8891 7510 or email
Please promote in your newsletters and encourage anyone interested to email and find out more. View poster here for school noticeboards.