Careers Testing

Link to U-Explore's Start app

U-Explore's START helps students to plan for their future careers by looking at their: -

Students can register their own account, and use this website for free.

Link to Prospects Career Planner

The Prospects Career Planner has a free careers test which you can register to use. 

Launch You Career is a free personality profile quiz based on Carl Jung and Myers-Briggs testing. Each question asks you to choose between two traits. From your answers Launch Your Career can identify you as one of 16 personality types, and gives you information about your personality type and careers you might suit. The short quiz only takes around five minutes to complete.

The Buzz Quiz is based on the Myers-Briggs test and takes around 5 minutes to complete. Your results will be based around one of 16 personality types and careers which might suit people with some of your qualities.

Link to 123 Test

123 Test has a variety of psychological tests which can relate to the workplace, such as the Myers Briggs test, DISC test, values and IQ tests.

Link to Spartan Test

The SPARTAN Test is a free image-based quiz. There are four sections with 12 images in each where students select the image which represents them the most. The quiz takes around 15 minutes to complete and results are immediate. 

Visual DNA has several free quizzes, such as The Success Quiz  which can help you to identify careers which might suit you.

The SkillsBuilder self-assessment quiz allows you to discover which skills are your strongest, as well as skills you can work on to improve.

The OxBright careers test is for students in sixth form looking to identify a suitable career. The test only takes 5 minutes to complete. Click on the logo to go register and start.