Subjects and Options Blocks

Sixth Form Entrance Criteria

Competition for Sixth Form places is challenging. To study A Levels we require a minimum  GCSE Grade 5 in GCSE English and Maths and a 6 in the subject you want to study, and your Average GCSE points score will be used to prioritise enrolment when there is high demand for subjects. 

The following subject specific criteria will also apply:

*If you wish to study a subject you did not take at GCSE but are proficient and believe you have the base knowledge and understanding to study at post-16 standard, please discuss your suitability at the interview stage.

Entrance to BTEC Level 3

GCSE English & Maths Grade 4+

Progression from Year 12 to Year 13

Students must gain at least an E grade in end of year exams in order to progress to year 13 in that subject.

Subjects and Entry Requirements

Options Blocks