File: JHB


Through cooperation with parents, strict regulations in regard to tard­iness and unexcused absence, and diligence in investigating the causes of absence, the school committee will endeavor to reduce truancy.

The Supervisor of Attendance will be responsible for enforcing the Massachusetts Compulsory Attendance laws. Unnecessary absence due either to a student’s willful decisions or a parent’s inability or unwillingness to ensure attendance is a violation of law and district policy. Parents who support or enable a chronic pattern of unnecessary absences for children under the age of 16 may be subject to agency or court action. Chronic truancy and excessive absenteeism will result in the filing of a CHINS petition in Juvenile Court by the Supervisor of Attendance.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 76:1; 76:2; 76:4; 76:20

Review only-no changes: August 6, 2014 – Policy Subcommittee

Approval: August 12, 2014 – School Committee