File: EBAB
It is the intention of West Springfield School District to prevent unnecessary exposure to children and employees to chemical pesticides and reduce the need to rely on chemical pesticides. It is the policy of the School to use chemical pesticides only when non-chemical applications have been exhausted and proven ineffective. The decision to use chemical pesticides will be made only by a certified, licensed individual. When it is determined that pesticides are needed, only those allowed by the Children’s and Families Protection Act will be used. Our policy prohibits the use of any pesticide by unlicensed staff. Our policy will include the distribution of an annual newsletter to teachers, staff, and parents informing them of our IPM Plan. It will be the school’s policy to make the appropriate notification and posting as well as keep records of all pesticide use. A copy of each school’s IPM plan will be maintained in themaintenance office and available upon request.
West Springfield Public Schools