ELIGIBILITY: In order to be eligible to attend summer school, a student must receive a final course grade of at least 55 and must have taken the final examination.

STRUCTURE OF THE SUMMER SCHOOL: The summer school session will be of four weeks (twenty days) duration and each class will meet for two hours per day (40 hours total).

A student may take a maximum of two courses during the summer school session.

TO RECEIVE CREDIT: In order to receive credit for summer school work, a student must meet the following requirements:

• The student must receive a passing grade (65) for the summer school course.

• The student must take a final exam developed by the summer school instructor in order to obtain summer school credit.

• The student must be in attendance 90% of the time (no more than two absences) during the summer school session. The attendance policy is not subject to -appeal.

OUT OF DISTRICT SUMMER SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: In order to be eligible for credit for attending an out-of-district summer school program, the student must have the prior approval of the Principal of West Springfield High School.

FEES: There will be a set fee for the 40 hours of instruction.

West Springfield Public Schools