Section J


JA - Student Policy Goal

JB - Equal Educational Opportunities [Approved 8.27.24]

JBB - Educational Equity [approved 3/10/20]

JC - Attendance Areas [approved 10/23/18]

JCA - Assignment Of Students To Schools [approved 5/9/23]

JEB - Entrance Age [approved 11/27/18]

JEBA - Early Childhood Program [approved 10/22/21]

JEC - School Age Multiple Births [approved 3/10/20]

JF - School Admissions [approved 3/26/19]

JF-E1 - School Admissions Registration Requirements [updated language 7/2/21]

JF-E2 - School Admissions Affidavit [approved 3/26/19]

JF-E3 - Residency Statement / Affidavit [updated 8/4/21]

JF-E4 - Caregiver Authorization Affidavit [reviewed 8/4/21]

JFABB - Foreign Exchange Students

JFABC - Admission Transfer Students from Commonwealth Charter Schools [approved 3/26/19]

JFABD - Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights And Services [approved 2/11/20]

JFABE - Education Opportunities for Military Children [approved 2/11/20]

JFABF - Education Opportunities for Children in Foster Care [approved 2/11/20]

JFBB - School Choice [approved 4-24-18]

JHB - Truancy [approved 8/12/14]

JH - Student Absences and Excuses [approved 1/24/22] - Updated Policy beginning SY22-23

JH-E1 - Request for Action Plan Meeting [updated by Duperé Law Offices 2/11/20]

JH-E2 - Student Exit Interview Letter [updated by Duperé Law Offices 2/11/20]

JHD - Exclusion And Exemptions From School Attendance [approved 11/27/18]

JI - Student Rights And Responsibilities

JIB - Student Involvement In Decision-Making [Updated 6.11.24]

JIC - Student Discipline [Updated and Approved 8.27.24]

JICA - Student Dress Code

JICC - Student Conduct On School Buses

JICC-R - Student Conduct On School Buses - Regulations [approved 11/26/13]

JICF - Gang Activity/Secret Societies [approved 8/31/21]

JICFA - Prohibition Of Hazing [Approved 8.27.24]

JICFA-E - Hazing ~ M.G.L. [approved 8/31/21]

JICFA-E1 - Hazing (Filing Of Reports) [updated by Duperé Law Offices 8-5-21]

JICFAB - Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents [approved 8/31/21]

JICFB - Bullying Prevention [Reviewed and Approved 8.27.24]

JICH - Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Use by Students Prohibited [Updated 6.11.24]

JICH-A -  Breathe Alcohol Testing - Passive Alcohol Screener (PAS)

JICI - Dangerous Weapons In The Schools

JICJ - Student Use of Technology in School [Approved 2.13.24]

JICK - Harassment of Students [approved 5/9/23]

JIH - Interrogations And Searches/Searches by Staff [approved 8/24/21]

JIH-R - Guidelines For Canine Searches Of Schools [approved 8/24/21]

JIHA - School Lockers

JIHCA -  Food Allergies & Other Life Threatening Allergies

JII - Student Complaints And Grievances [approved 6/14/16]

JJ - Co-Curricular And Extracurricular Activities [Approved 4.9.24 - No Changes]

JJ-E - Co-Curricular And Extracurricular Activities [Reviewed: 3.22.24]

JJD - Student Activities Fees [Approved 4.9.24 - No Changes]

JJE - Student Fund-Raising Activities [Approved 4.9.24]

JJE-E - Student Fundraiser Approval Form/Application [Reviewed 3.22.24]

JJF - Student Activity Accounts [Approved 4.9.24]

JJIA - Athletic Eligibility [approved  8/12/14]

JJIF - Athletic Concussions [approved 11/15/16]

JJIF-R - Athletic Concussions Regulations [approved 11/15/16]

JK - Student Conduct [approved 6/14/16]

JKAA - Physical Restraint Policy [updated 11/12/19]

JKAA-E - Physical Restraint Report [replaced w/online form & approved by K. Mahony 10/31/17]

JKAA-R - Physical Restraint Procedures [updated 11/12/19]  

JL - Student Welfare

JLA - Student Insurance Program

JLC - Student Health Services And Requirements [approved 9/11/12]

JLCA - Physical Examinations Of Students [approved 8/17/21]

JLCB - Vaccination and Immunization [approved 8/17/21]

JLCC - Communicable Diseases

JLCCA - Aids Resolution

JLCCA-E - Aids School Attendance Policy

JLCD - Administering Medicines To Students [approved 8/17/21]

JLD - Guidance Program [approved 10/9/12]

JLDBD - Child Abuse

JLDBD-E - Child Abuse/Neglect [approved 9/14/10]

JLIAA / JllAA-E - Chaperone Policy / Agreement

JRA - Student Records [approved 3-13-18]