Competency-Based, Proficiency-Based Learning

The term proficiency-based learning or competency-based learning (which are interchangeable) refers to the practice of allowing students to progress in their learning as they master a set of standards or competencies. Students can advance at different rates. Typically, there is an attempt to build students' ownership and understanding of their learning goals and often a focus on "personalizing" students' learning based on their needs and interests.

Proficiency-based learning systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting are based on students demonstrating understanding or mastery of the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn as they progress through their education. In a school that uses standards-based approaches, learning standards (sometimes referred to competencies or proficiencies)—i.e., concise, written descriptions of what students are expected to know and be able to do at a specific stage of their education—determine the goals of a lesson or course, and teachers then determine how and what to teach students so they achieve the learning expectations described in the standards.

Most standards-based approaches use state learning standards to determine academic expectations and define “proficiency” in a given course, subject area, or grade level. The general goal of standards-based learning is to ensure that students are acquiring the knowledge and skills that are deemed to be essential to success in school, higher education, careers, and adult life. If students fail to meet expected learning standards, they typically receive additional instruction, practice time, and academic support to help them achieve proficiency or meet the learning expectations described in the standards. Standards-based learning is common in American elementary schools, but it is becoming more widely used in middle and secondary schools.

Typically, standards-based approaches require some different instructional approaches including clear performance assessments; opportunities for revision or re-assessment; and opportunities for practice, feedback, and coaching.

Adapted from:

The Vermont Agency of Education defines proficiency based learning this way: Proficiency-based learning is an educational approach that focuses on students’ demonstration of desired learning outcomes. Students gain the skills, abilities, and knowledge required in an area of study, along with those necessary to be successful in college, career and civic life. Proficiency-based learning is designed to identify and address gaps to provide equitable learning opportunities for every student. This is in contrast to traditional systems which advance students based on seat time (Vermont Agency of Education, January 16, 2018).

Source: Great Schools Partnership:

The Great Schools Partnership has articulated 10 principles of proficiency based learning (paraphrased here):

  1. Clear communication of standards
  2. Standards are consistent regardless of learning experiences designed to develop learning
  3. Criterion referenced
  4. Formative assessment for learning
  5. Summative assessment measures proficiency at a moment in time
  6. Academic and habits are reported seperately
  7. Grades communicate progress
  8. Students have multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency
  9. Students have multiple pathways to learn the proficiencies
  10. Students have input into their education
  11. Source:


Great Schools Partnership (January 16, 2018). Retrieved from:

Vermont Agency of Education (January 16, 2018). Retrieve from:

The Editors. (February 5, 2019). What is Performance Assessment? Education Week. Retrieved from: