Budget Committees





Section 32:1

32:1 Statement of Purpose. – The purpose of this chapter is to clarify the law as it existed under former RSA 32. A town or district may establish a municipal budget committee to assist its voters in the prudent appropriation of public funds. The budget committee, in those municipalities which establish one, is intended to have budgetary authority analogous to that of a legislative appropriations committee. It is the legislature's further purpose to establish uniformity in the manner of appropriating and spending public funds in all municipal subdivisions to which this chapter applies, including those towns, school districts and village districts which do not operate with budget committees, and have not before had much statutory guidance.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993.

Section 32:2

32:2 Application. – RSA 32:1-13, shall apply to all towns, school districts, cooperative school districts, village districts, municipal economic development and revitalization districts created under RSA 162-K, and any other municipal entities, including those created pursuant to RSA 53-A or 53-B, which adopt their budgets at an annual meeting of their voters, except RSA 32:5-b, which shall apply only in those towns or districts adopting that section pursuant to RSA 32:5-c. RSA 32:14-23, concerning budget committees, shall apply only in those towns or districts adopting that subdivision pursuant to RSA 32:14, I, and shall apply automatically in school districts or village districts located wholly within towns adopting that subdivision.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 2011, 234:5, eff. July 5, 2011. 2012, 186:3, eff. June 11, 2012.

Section 32:3

32:3 Definitions. – In this chapter:

I. "Appropriate'' means to set apart from the public revenue of a municipality a certain sum for a specified purpose and to authorize the expenditure of that sum for that purpose.

II. "Appropriation'' means an amount of money appropriated for a specified purpose by the legislative body.

III. "Budget'' means a statement of recommended appropriations and anticipated revenues submitted to the legislative body by the budget committee, or the governing body if there is no budget committee, as an attachment to, and as part of the warrant for, an annual or special meeting.

IV. "District'' includes a school district, cooperative school district, village district, district created pursuant to RSA 53-A or 53-B, or municipal economic development and revitalization district created pursuant to RSA 162-K.

V. "Purpose'' means a goal or aim to be accomplished through the expenditure of public funds. In addition, as used in RSA 32:8 and RSA 32:10, I(e), concerning the limitation on expenditures, a line on the budget form posted with the warrant, or form submitted to the department of revenue administration, or an appropriation contained in a special warrant article, shall be considered a single "purpose.''

VI. "Special warrant article'' means any article in the warrant for an annual or special meeting which proposes an appropriation by the meeting and which:

(a) Is submitted by petition; or

(b) Calls for an appropriation of an amount to be raised by the issuance of bonds or notes pursuant to RSA 33; or

(c) Calls for an appropriation to or from a separate fund created pursuant to statute, including but not limited to a capital reserve fund under RSA 35, or trust fund under RSA 31:19-a; or

(d) Is designated in the warrant, by the governing body, as a special warrant article, or as a nonlapsing or nontransferable appropriation; or

(e) Calls for an appropriation of an amount for a capital project under RSA 32:7-a.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 1996, 214:1, eff. Aug. 9, 1996. 2003, 95:1, eff. Aug. 5, 2003. 2012, 181:1, eff. Aug. 10, 2012; 186:4, eff. June 11, 2012. 2013, 109:1, eff. Aug. 23, 2013.

Preparation of Budgets

Section 32:4

32:4 Estimate of Expenditures and Revenues. – All municipal officers, administrative officials and department heads, including officers of such self-sustaining departments as water, sewer, and electric departments, shall prepare statements of estimated expenditures and revenues for the ensuing fiscal year, and shall submit such statements to their respective governing bodies, at such times and in such detail as the governing body may require.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993.

Section 32:5

32:5 Budget Preparation. –

I. The governing body, or the budget committee if there is one, shall hold at least one public hearing on each budget, not later than 25 days before each annual or special meeting, public notice of which shall be given at least 7 days in advance, and after the conclusion of public testimony shall finalize the budget to be submitted to the legislative body. One or more supplemental public hearings may be held at any time before the annual or special meeting, subject to the 7-day notice requirement. If the first hearing or any supplemental hearing is recessed to a later date or time, additional notice shall not be required for a supplemental session if the date, time, and place of the supplemental session are made known at the original hearing. Public hearings on bonds and notes in excess of $100,000 shall be held in accordance with RSA 33:8-a, I. Days shall be counted in accordance with RSA 21:35.

II. All purposes and amounts of appropriations to be included in the budget or special warrant articles shall be disclosed or discussed at the final hearing. The governing body or budget committee shall not thereafter insert, in any budget column or special warrant article, an additional amount or purpose of appropriation which was not disclosed or discussed at that hearing, without first holding one or more public hearings on supplemental budget requests for town or district expenditures.

III. All appropriations recommended shall be stipulated on a "gross'' basis, showing anticipated revenues from all sources, including grants, gifts, bequests, and bond issues, which shall be shown as offsetting revenues to appropriations affected. The budget shall be prepared according to rules adopted by the commissioner of revenue administration under RSA 541-A, relative to the required forms and information to be submitted for recommended appropriations and anticipated revenues for each town or district.

IV. Budget forms for the annual meeting shall include, in the section showing recommended appropriations, comparative columns indicating at least the following information:

(a) Appropriations voted by the previous annual meeting.

(b) Actual expenditures made pursuant to those appropriations, or in those towns and districts which hold annual meetings prior to the close of the current fiscal year, actual expenditures for the most recently completed fiscal year.

(c) All appropriations, including appropriations contained in special warrant articles, recommended by the governing body.

(d) If there is a budget committee, all the appropriations, including appropriations contained in special warrant articles, recommended by the budget committee.

V. When any purpose of appropriation, submitted by a governing body or by petition, appears in the warrant as part of a special warrant article:

(a) The article shall contain a notation of whether or not that appropriation is recommended by the governing body, and, if there is a budget committee, a notation of whether or not it is recommended by the budget committee;

(b) If the article is amended at the first session of the meeting in an official ballot referendum municipality, the governing body and the budget committee, if one exists, may revise its recommendation on the amended version of the special warrant article and the revised recommendation shall appear on the ballot for the second session of the meeting provided, however, that the 10 percent limitation on expenditures provided for in RSA 32:18 shall be calculated based upon the initial recommendations of the budget committee;

(c) Defects or deficiencies in these notations shall not affect the legal validity of any appropriation otherwise lawfully made; and

(d) All appropriations made under special warrant articles shall be subject to the hearing requirements of paragraphs I and II of this section.

V-a. The legislative body of any town, school district, or village district may vote to require that all votes by an advisory budget committee, a town, school district, or village district budget committee, and the governing body or, in towns, school districts, or village districts without a budget committee, all votes of the governing body relative to budget items or any warrant articles shall be recorded votes and the numerical tally of any such vote shall be printed in the town, school district, or village district warrant next to the affected warrant article. Unless the legislative body has voted otherwise, if a town or school district has not voted to require such tallies to be printed in the town or school district warrant next to the affected warrant article, the governing body may do so on its own initiative.

V-b. Any town may vote to require that the annual budget and all special warrant articles having a tax impact, as determined by the governing body, shall contain a notation stating the estimated tax impact of the article. The determination of the estimated tax impact shall be subject to approval by the governing body.

VI. Upon completion of the budgets, an original of each budget and of each recommendation upon special warrant articles, signed by a quorum of the governing body, or of the budget committee, if any, shall be placed on file with the town or district clerk. A certified copy shall be forwarded by the chair of the budget committee, if any, or otherwise by the chair of the governing body, to the commissioner of revenue administration pursuant to RSA 21-J:34.

VII. (a) The governing body shall post certified copies of the budget with the warrant for the meeting. The operating budget warrant article shall contain the amount as recommended by the budget committee if there is one. In the case of towns, the budget shall also be printed in the town report made available to the legislative body at least one week before the date of the annual meeting. A school district or village district may vote, under an article inserted in the warrant, to require the district to print its budget in an annual report made available to the district's voters at least one week before the date of the annual meeting. Such district report may be separate or may be combined with the annual report of the town or towns within which the district is located.

(b) The governing body in official ballot referenda jurisdictions operating under RSA 40:13 shall post certified copies of the default budget form or any amended default budget form with the proposed operating budget and the warrant.

[Paragraph VII(c) effective September 9, 2014.]

(c) If the operating budget warrant article is amended at the first session of the meeting in an official ballot referendum jurisdiction operating under RSA 40:13, the governing body and the budget committee, if one exists, may each vote on whether to recommend the amended article, and the recommendation or recommendations shall appear on the ballot for the second session of the meeting.

VIII. The procedural requirements of this section shall apply to any special meeting called to raise or appropriate funds, or to reduce or rescind any appropriation previously made, provided, however, that any budget form used may be prepared locally. Such a form or the applicable warrant article shall, at a minimum, show the request by the governing body or petitioners, the recommendation of the budget committee, if any, and the sources of anticipated offsetting revenue, other than taxes, if any.

IX. If the budget committee fails to deliver a budget prepared in accordance with this section, the governing body shall post its proposed budget with a notarized statement indicating that the budget is being posted pursuant to this paragraph in lieu of the budget committee's proposed budget. This alternative budget shall then be the basis for the application of the provisions of this chapter.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 1996, 214:2, eff. Aug. 9, 1996. 1997, 41:1, eff. July 11, 1997. 2001, 71:2, eff. July 1, 2001. 2002, 61:1, eff. June 25, 2002. 2004, 68:1, eff. July 6, 2004; 219:2, eff. Aug. 10, 2004; 238:5, eff. June 15, 2004; 238:12, eff. Aug. 10, 2004 at 12:01 a.m. 2007, 305:1, eff. Sept. 11, 2007. 2009, 2:1, eff. Feb. 20, 2009. 2010, 90:1, eff. July 24, 2010. 2012, 6:1, eff. May 21, 2012; 217:1, eff. July 1, 2013. 2014, 190:7, eff. Sept. 9, 2014.

Section 32:5-a

32:5-a Presentation of Negotiated Cost Items at the Annual Meeting. – Cost items, as defined under RSA 273-A:1, IV, shall be presented to the annual town or district meeting in accordance with the procedures established under RSA 32:5. For submission to the legislative body of the annual meeting, cost items must be finalized by the date prescribed in RSA 39:3 for towns and by the date prescribed in RSA 197:6 for school districts. Cost items not negotiated in time to meet these dates may be submitted to the legislative body pursuant to the provisions of RSA 31:5 for towns and RSA 197:3 for school districts.

Source. 1996, 214:3, eff. Aug. 9, 1996.

Section 32:5-b

32:5-b Local Tax Cap. – Upon adoption under RSA 32:5-c, the following shall apply:

I. In a town or district that has adopted this section, the estimated amount of local taxes to be raised for the fiscal year, as shown on the budget certified by the governing body or the budget committee and posted with the warrant for the annual meeting pursuant to RSA 32:5, shall not exceed the local taxes raised for the prior year, as shown on the same budget and adjusted as provided in paragraph I-a, by more than the tax cap authorized when this section was adopted.

I-a. If the local taxes raised for the prior year were reduced by any fund balance brought forward from previous years, the amount of such reduction shall be added back and included in the amount to which the tax cap is applied under paragraph I.

II. The tax cap shall be either a fixed dollar amount or a fixed percentage applied to the amount of local taxes raised by the town or district for the prior fiscal year as reported to the department of revenue administration, subject to adjustment as provided in paragraph I-a.

III. The legislative body may override the cap by the usual procedures applicable to annual meetings and deliberative sessions of the legislative body. The provisions of this section shall not limit the legislative body's authority to increase or decrease the amount of any appropriation or the total amount of all appropriations.

Source. 2011, 234:6, eff. July 5, 2011. 2013, 58:1, eff. Aug. 5, 2013.

Section 32:5-c

32:5-c Adoption of Local Tax Cap. –

I. The provisions of RSA 32:5-b may be adopted by any local political subdivision of the state whose legislative body raises and appropriates funds through an annual meeting. A 3/5 majority of those voting on the question shall be required to adopt the provisions of RSA 32:5-b. Only votes in the affirmative or negative shall be included in the calculation of the 3/5 majority.

II. The question shall be placed on the warrant of the annual meeting by the governing body or by petition under the procedures set out in RSA 39:3 or RSA 197:6.

III. A public hearing shall be held by the local governing body on the question at least 15 days, but not more than 30 days, before the question is to be voted on. In multi-town districts, a public hearing shall be held in each town embraced by the district, none of which shall be held on the same day. Notice of the hearing shall be posted in at least 2 public places in the town and at least 2 public places in each town of multi-town districts, and published in a newspaper of general circulation at least 7 days prior to the date of the hearing.

IV. The wording of the question shall be: "Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 32:5-b, and implement a tax cap whereby the governing body (or budget committee) shall not submit a recommended budget that increases the amount to be raised by local taxes, based on the prior fiscal year's actual amount of local taxes raised, by more than _______ (insert either a fixed dollar amount or a fixed percentage)?''

V. Voting on the question shall be by ballot, but the question shall not be placed on the official ballot used to elect officers, except in the case of a legislative body that uses an official ballot form of meeting under RSA 40:13 or under a charter adopted pursuant to RSA 49-D. Polls shall remain open and ballots shall be accepted by the moderator for a period of not less than one hour following the completion of discussion on the question. If a 3/5 majority of those voting on the question vote "yes,'' RSA 32:5-b shall apply within the local political subdivision beginning with the following fiscal year and for all subsequent years until it is rescinded as provided in paragraph VI.

VI. Any local political subdivision which has adopted RSA 32:5-b may consider rescinding its action in the manner described in paragraphs I through V. The wording of the question shall be: "Shall we rescind the provisions of RSA 32:5-b, known as the tax cap, as adopted by the (local subdivision) on (date of adoption), so that there will no longer be a limit on increases to the recommended budget in the amount to be raised by local taxes?'' A 3/5 majority of those voting on the question shall be required to rescind the provisions of this section, except in the case of repeal by charter enactment under RSA 49-D. Only votes in the affirmative or negative shall be included in the calculation of the 3/5 majority.

Source. 2011, 234:6, eff. July 5, 2011.


Section 32:6

32:6 Appropriations Only at Annual or Special Meeting. – All appropriations in municipalities subject to this chapter shall be made by vote of the legislative body of the municipality at an annual or special meeting. No such meeting shall appropriate any money for any purpose unless that purpose appears in the budget or in a special warrant article, provided, however, that the legislative body may vote to appropriate more than, or less than, the amount recommended for such purpose in the budget or warrant, except as provided in RSA 32:18, unless the municipality has voted to override the 10 percent limitation as provided in RSA 32:18-a.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 2000, 193:2, eff. July 29, 2000.

Section 32:6-a

32:6-a Continuation of Grant-Funded Programs. – [Repealed by 2004, 232:1, eff. June 11, 2004.]

Section 32:7

32:7 Lapse of Appropriations. – Annual meeting appropriations shall cover anticipated expenditures for one fiscal year. All appropriations shall lapse at the end of the fiscal year and any unexpended portion thereof shall not be expended without further appropriation, unless:

I. The amount has, prior to the end of that fiscal year, become encumbered by a legally-enforceable obligation, created by contract or otherwise, to any person for the expenditure of that amount; or

II. The amount is legally placed in any nonlapsing fund properly created pursuant to statute, including but not limited to a capital reserve fund under RSA 35, or a town-created trust fund under RSA 31:19-a; or

III. The amount is to be raised, in whole or in part, through the issuance of bonds or notes pursuant to RSA 33, in which case the appropriation, unless rescinded, shall not lapse until the fulfillment of the purpose or completion of the project being financed by the bonds or notes; or

IV. The amount is appropriated from moneys anticipated to be received from a state, federal or other governmental or private grant, in which case the appropriation shall remain nonlapsing for as long as the money remains available under the rules or practice of the granting entity; or

V. The amount is appropriated under a special warrant article, in which case the local governing body may, at any properly noticed meeting held prior to the end of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made, vote to treat that appropriation as encumbered for a maximum of one additional fiscal year; or

VI. The amount is appropriated under a special warrant article and is explicitly designated in the article and by vote of the meeting as nonlapsing, in which case the meeting shall designate the time at which the appropriation shall lapse, which in no case shall be later than 5 years after the end of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993.

Section 32:7-a

32:7-a Appropriations for Capital Projects. – In addition to any other appropriation authority, and notwithstanding any other provisions of law, at any annual meeting the legislative body may, by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of those present and voting, or by the affirmative vote of 3/5 of those voting on the question in a town or district that has adopted the official ballot referendum form of meeting, appropriate funds for a term beyond one fiscal year, but not to exceed 5 fiscal years, as follows:

I. The appropriation shall be only for an identified project, as described in the article authorizing the appropriation, for which it would be lawful to issue a bond or note under RSA 33:3 or RSA 33:3-c.

II. The article authorizing the appropriation shall state the term of years of the appropriation, the total amount of the appropriation, and the amount to be appropriated in each year of the term.

III. For each year after the first year, the amount designated for that year as provided in paragraph II shall be deemed appropriated without further vote by the legislative body, unless the appropriation is rescinded as provided in paragraph VI. In a town or district that has adopted the official ballot referendum form of meeting, the amount designated for each year shall be included in the default budget for that year.

IV. If the amount appropriated for any year is not spent during the year, the unexpended amount shall not lapse, but shall be available for expenditure in a subsequent year during the term; provided that all unexpended amounts shall lapse at the end of the term.

V. The approval of an appropriation under this section shall not constitute the establishment of a capital reserve fund, and any amounts appropriated shall not be deposited into such a fund.

VI. Prior to the expiration of the term, the legislative body may, at any annual meeting, rescind the appropriation by an affirmative vote of a majority of those voting on the question. Upon rescission, any unexpended amount shall lapse immediately.

Source. 2013, 109:2, eff. Aug. 23, 2013.


Section 32:8

32:8 Limitation on Expenditures. – No board of selectmen, school board, village district commissioners or any other officer, employee, or agency of the municipality acting as such shall pay or agree to pay any money, or incur any liability involving the expenditure of any money, for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated by the legislative body for that purpose, or for any purpose for which no appropriation has been made, except as provided in RSA 32:9-11.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993.

Section 32:9

32:9 Exception. – Money may be spent to pay a judgment against the town or district, without an appropriation.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993.

Section 32:10

32:10 Transfer of Appropriations. –

I. If changes arise during the year following the annual meeting that make it necessary to expend more than the amount appropriated for a specific purpose, the governing body may transfer to that appropriation an unexpended balance remaining in some other appropriation, provided, however, that:

(a) The total amount spent shall not exceed the total amount appropriated at the town or district meeting.

(b) Records shall be kept by the governing body, such that the budget committee, if any, or any citizen requesting such records pursuant to RSA 91-A:4, may ascertain the purposes of appropriations to which, and from which, amounts have been transferred; provided, however, that neither the budget committee nor other citizens shall have any authority to dispute or challenge the discretion of the governing body in making such transfers.

(c) A statement comparing all legislative body appropriations against all expenditures shall be deemed adequate for purposes of the records required by subparagraph (b), so long as every expenditure has been properly authorized and properly classified and entered and any expenditures exceeding the original legislative appropriations are offset by unexpended balances remaining in other appropriations, in which case the governing body shall not be required to designate the specific source of each transfer.

(d) Any amount appropriated at the meeting under a special warrant article may be used only for the purpose specified in that article and shall not be transferred.

(e) The town or district meeting may vote separately on individual purposes of appropriation contained within any warrant article or budget, but such a separate vote shall not affect the governing body's legal authority to transfer appropriations, provided, however, that if the meeting deletes a purpose, or reduces the amount appropriated for that purpose to zero or does not approve an appropriation contained in a separate article, that purpose or article shall be deemed one for which no appropriation is made, and no amount shall be transferred to or expended for such purpose.

II. As used in RSA 32:10, I(a)-(d), concerning transfers of appropriations and records thereof, "purpose'' refers, in addition to its meaning in RSA 32:3, V, to individual line items in whatever detailed budget or chart of accounts is regularly used by the municipality. The general wording of a vote adopting a budget or portion of a budget shall not be considered a "purpose'' to which an amount may be transferred. The definition of "purpose'' as used in RSA 32:10, I(e) shall be the definition of "purpose'' under RSA 32:3, V.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 1996, 214:4, eff. Aug. 9, 1996. 2004, 113:1, eff. July 16, 2004.

Section 32:11

32:11 Emergency Expenditures and Overexpenditures. – When an unusual circumstance arises during the year which makes it necessary to expend money in excess of an appropriation which may result in an overexpenditure of the total amount appropriated for all purposes at the meeting or when no appropriation has been made, the selectmen or village district commissioners, upon application to the commissioner of revenue administration or the school board upon application to the commissioner of education, may be given authority to make such expenditure, provided that:

I. Such application shall be made prior to the making of such expenditure. No such authority shall be granted until a majority of the budget committee, if any, has approved the application in writing. If there is no budget committee, the governing body shall hold a public hearing on the request, with notice as provided in RSA 91-A:2.

II. The commissioner of revenue administration or the commissioner of education may accept and approve an application after an expenditure if caused by a sudden or unexpected emergency, in which case paragraph I shall not apply.

III. Neither the commissioner of revenue administration nor the commissioner of education shall approve such an expenditure unless the governing body designates the source of revenue to be used. Neither commissioner shall have the authority to increase the town or district's tax rate in order to fund such an expenditure.

IV. When applying to the commissioner of education for such authority, the school board shall send a copy of such application to the department of revenue administration. The commissioner of education, when granting authority to the school board, shall notify, in writing, the commissioner of revenue administration of any and all authorizations given to school boards for emergency expenditures or overexpenditures, and the revenue source for funding such expenditures.

V. Notwithstanding paragraphs I through IV, if the legislative body has by warrant article established a contingency fund in the annual budget for the purpose of unanticipated expenses, the board of selectmen may expend funds from such account to meet the costs of such expenses.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 1996, 214:5, eff. Aug. 9, 1996. 1999, 140:1, eff. Aug. 24, 1999. 2013, 115:1, eff. Aug. 24, 2013.

Section 32:11-a

32:11-a Actual Expenditures for Special Education Programs and Services. – Each school district shall provide in its annual report an accounting of actual expenditures by the district for special education programs and services for the previous 2 fiscal years. Such accounting shall include offsetting revenues from all sources, including but not limited to, reimbursements from state funds, federal funds, or medicaid funds, private or other health insurance coverage, transferred special education moneys received from another school district, and any other special education resources received by the district.

Source. 1999, 180:1, eff. Aug. 30, 1999.

Section 32:12

32:12 Penalty. – Any person or persons violating the provisions of this subdivision shall be subject to removal from office on proper petition brought before the superior court. Such petition shall take precedence over other actions pending in the court and shall be heard and decided as speedily as possible.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993.

Section 32:13

32:13 Contracts; Expenditures Prior to Meeting. –

I. This subdivision shall not be construed to imply that a local legislative body, through its actions on appropriations, has the authority to nullify a prior contractual obligation of the municipality, when such obligation is not contingent upon such appropriations and is otherwise valid under the New Hampshire law of municipal contracts, or to nullify any other binding state or federal legal obligation which supersedes the authority of the local legislative body.

II. This subdivision shall not be construed to affect the authority of the local governing body, in towns with a March annual meeting and a January through December fiscal year, to make expenditures between January 1 and the date a budget is adopted which are reasonable in light of prior year's appropriations and expenditures for the same purposes during the same time period.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 1997, 318:2, eff. Aug. 22, 1997. 2001, 71:3, eff. July 1, 2001.

Budget Committee

Section 32:14

32:14 Adoption. –

I. This subdivision may be adopted:

(a) By any town with a town meeting form of government, including those with a budgetary town meeting, official ballot town meeting, or representative town meeting pursuant to RSA 49-D:3, II, II-a, and III, or by a town with an official ballot town council form of government under which part or all of the annual town operating budget is voted upon by official ballot;

(b) By a cooperative school district, in accordance with RSA 195:12-a;

(c) By any village district, or district created under RSA 53-A or 53-B, which adopts its budget at an annual meeting of its voters, and which is located in more than one municipality; or

(d) By any school district or village district which adopts its budget at an annual meeting of its voters, but which lies wholly within a municipality that lacks authority to adopt this subdivision.

II. This subdivision may be adopted by a majority vote of those present and voting, under an article in the warrant for the annual meeting, inserted by the governing body or by petition.

III. Voting shall be by ballot, but the question shall not be placed on the official ballot used to elect officers. Polls shall remain open and ballots shall be accepted by the moderator for a period of not less than one hour following the completion of discussion on the question.

IV. If the vote is favorable, the town or district shall at that same meeting vote, by ballot or other means, determine the number of members-at-large, as provided in RSA 32:15, I, and whether they shall be elected or appointed by the moderator.

V. A town or district which has adopted this subdivision may rescind its adoption in the manner described in paragraphs II and III.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 2008, 243:3, eff. Aug. 23, 2008.

Section 32:15

32:15 Budget Committee Membership. –

I. The budget committee shall consist of:

(a) Three to 12 members-at-large, who may be either elected or appointed by the moderator, as the town or district adopting the provisions of this subdivision shall by vote determine, who shall serve staggered terms of 3 years; and

(b) One member of the governing body of the municipality and, if the municipality is a town, one member of the school board of each school district wholly within the town and one member of each village district wholly within the town, all of whom shall be appointed by their respective boards to serve for a term of one year and until their successors are qualified. Each such member may be represented by an alternate member designated by the respective board, who shall, when sitting, have the same authority as the regular member.

II. If the meeting decides that members-at-large are to be appointed, the staggering of terms shall begin that same year, with 1/3 of such members chosen to hold office for one year, 1/3 for 2 years, and 1/3 for 3 years, and each year thereafter 1/3 shall be chosen for terms of 3 years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. If the number of members-at-large is not divisible by 3, the division shall be as even as possible over the 3 years. All such appointments shall be made within 30 days after the annual meeting.

III. If the meeting decides members-at-large are to be elected, the meeting shall either elect the initial members for one-year terms by means other than by official ballot, or shall authorize the moderator to appoint members to serve until the next annual meeting, as provided in RSA 669:17. Elections for staggered terms, as described in paragraph II, shall not begin until that next annual meeting, and shall be by official ballot if the municipality has adopted the official ballot system, as set forth in RSA 669.

IV. A town or district which has adopted this subdivision may vote at any subsequent annual meeting to change the number or manner of selection of its members-at-large. No such change shall take effect until the annual meeting following the meeting at which the change was adopted.

V. No selectman, town manager, member of the school board, village district commissioner, full-time employee, or part-time department head of the town, school district or village district or other associated agency shall serve as a member-at-large. Every member-at-large shall be domiciled in the town or district adopting this subdivision and shall cease to hold office immediately upon ceasing to be so domiciled.

VI. One of the members-at-large shall be elected by the budget committee as chair. The committee may elect other officers as it sees fit. A member-at-large shall cease to hold office immediately upon missing 4 consecutive scheduled or announced meetings of which that member received reasonable notice, without being excused by the chair.

VII. In municipalities where members-at-large are appointed, the chair shall notify the moderator immediately upon the occurrence of any vacancy in the membership-at-large, and the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the moderator within 5 days of such notification, otherwise by the budget committee. In municipalities where members-at-large are elected, vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the budget committee. Persons appointed to fill vacancies shall serve until the next annual meeting at which time a successor shall be elected or appointed to either fill the unexpired term or start a new term, as the case may be.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 1998, 141:1, 2, eff. Aug. 7, 1998.

Section 32:16

32:16 Duties and Authority of the Budget Committee. – In any town which has adopted the provisions of this subdivision, the budget committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

I. To prepare the budget as provided in RSA 32:5, and if authorized under RSA 40:14-b, a default budget under RSA 40:13, IX(b) for submission to each annual or special meeting of the voters of the municipality, and, if the municipality is a town, the budgets of any school district or village district wholly within the town, unless the warrant for such meeting does not propose any appropriation.

II. To confer with the governing body or bodies and with other officers, department heads and other officials, relative to estimated costs, revenues anticipated, and services performed to the extent deemed necessary by the budget committee. It shall be the duty of all such officers and other persons to furnish such pertinent information to the budget committee.

III. To conduct the public hearings required under RSA 32:5, I.

IV. To forward copies of the final budgets to the clerk or clerks, as required by RSA 32:5, VI, and, in addition, to deliver 2 copies of such budgets and recommendations upon special warrant articles to the respective governing body or bodies at least 20 days before the date set for the annual or special meeting, to be posted with the warrant.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 2004, 219:4, eff. Aug. 10, 2004.

Section 32:17

32:17 Duties of Governing Body and Other Officials. – The governing bodies of municipalities adopting this subdivision, or of districts which are wholly within towns adopting this subdivision, shall review the statements submitted to them under RSA 32:4 and shall submit their own recommendations to the budget committee, together with all information necessary for the preparation of the annual budget, including each purpose for which an appropriation is sought and each item of anticipated revenue, at such time as the budget committee shall fix. In the case of a special meeting calling for the appropriation of money, the governing body shall submit such information not later than 5 days prior to the required public hearing. Department heads and other officers shall submit their departmental statements of estimated expenditures and receipts to the budget committee, if requested.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993.

Section 32:18

32:18 Limitation of Appropriations. – In any municipality electing this subdivision, or any district wholly within a town electing this subdivision, the total amount appropriated at any annual meeting shall not exceed by more than 10 percent the total amount recommended by the budget committee for such meeting. In official ballot referendum municipalities, the recommendation of the budget committee made for the first session of the meeting shall be used for determining the 10 percent limitation. These totals shall include appropriations contained in special warrant articles. Money may be raised and appropriated for purposes included in the budget or in the warrant and not recommended by the budget committee, but not to an amount which would increase the total appropriations by more than the 10 percent allowed under this paragraph. The 10 percent increase allowable under this paragraph shall be computed on the total amount recommended by the budget committee less that part of any appropriation item which constitutes fixed charges. Fixed charges shall include appropriations for:

I. Bonds, and all interest and principal payments thereon.

II. Notes, except tax anticipation notes, and all interest and principal payments thereon.

III. Mandatory assessments imposed on towns by the county, state or federal governments.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 2004, 68:2, eff. July 6, 2004.

Section 32:18-a

32:18-a Legislative Body Override of Limitation of Appropriations. –

I. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in any municipality electing this subdivision, or any district wholly within a town electing this subdivision, if a bond request is not recommended in its entirety by the budget committee, the governing body of such municipality, after a majority vote by the governing body of the municipality in favor of the bond request at a duly posted meeting, shall place the bond request on the warrant.

II. The legislative body of any municipality described in RSA 32:18-a, I, may approve a bond request despite the 10 percent limitation provided in RSA 32:18 in the following manner:

(a) The governing body shall place the following statement at the beginning of the warrant article for such bond request: "Passage of this article shall override the 10 percent limitation imposed on this appropriation due to the non-recommendation of the budget committee.'' Immediately below the bond request on the warrant shall be displayed (1) the recommendation of the governing body and (2) the recommendation of the budget committee, as included in the budget forms for the annual meeting pursuant to RSA 32:5, IV.

(b) If those voting "Yes'' on the bond request satisfy the requirements of RSA 33:8, the bond request is thereby approved.

III. If the bond request is approved pursuant to RSA 32:18-a, the governing body of such municipality shall forward a copy of the minutes of the duly posted meeting described in RSA 32:18-a, I to the commissioner of the department of revenue administration.

Source. 2000, 193:1, eff. July 29, 2000.

Section 32:19

32:19 Collective Bargaining Agreements. – Whenever items or portions of items in a proposed budget constitute appropriations, the purpose of which is to implement cost items of a collective bargaining agreement negotiated pursuant to RSA 273-A, either previously ratified or concurrently being submitted for ratification by the legislative body, or the purpose of which is to implement the recommendations of a neutral party in the case of a dispute, as provided in RSA 273-A:12, such items shall be submitted to the budget committee and considered in its budget preparation. Such appropriations shall be submitted to the legislative body and shall include a statement of the governing body's recommendation and a separate statement of the budget committee's recommendation. If such appropriations were not recommended by the budget committee, then such appropriations shall be exempt from the 10 percent limitation set forth in RSA 32:18. The failure of the budget committee to recommend any portion of such appropriations shall not be deemed an unfair labor practice under RSA 273-A.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 2001, 71:4, eff. July 1, 2001.

Section 32:19-a

32:19-a Presentation of Negotiated Cost Items at the Annual Meeting. – Cost items, as defined under RSA 273-A:1, IV, shall be presented to the annual town or district meeting in accordance with the procedures established under RSA 32:5. For submission to the legislative body of the annual meeting, cost items must be finalized by the date prescribed in RSA 39:3 for towns and by the date prescribed in RSA 197:6 for school districts. Cost items not negotiated in time to meet these dates may be submitted to the legislative body pursuant to the provisions of RSA 31:5 for towns and RSA 197:3 for school districts.

Source. 1996, 214:6, eff. Aug. 9, 1996.

Section 32:20

32:20 At Special Meetings. – So long as the provisions of this subdivision remain in force in any municipality, no appropriation shall be made at any special meeting for any purpose not approved by the budget committee, unless it is within the allowable 10 percent increase if RSA 32:18 has been adopted, except as provided in RSA 32:19 or 32:18-a.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 2000, 193:3, eff. July 29, 2000.

Section 32:21

32:21 Exceptions. – In cases where the town or a district wholly within the town has been ordered by the department of environmental services, under the provisions of RSA 147, 485 or 485-A, to install, enlarge or improve waterworks or to install, enlarge or improve sewerage, sewage, or waste treatment facilities, the 10 percent limitation of RSA 32:18 and 20, shall not apply.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 1996, 228:108, eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 32:22

32:22 Review of Expenditures. – Upon request by the budget committee, the governing body of the town or district, or the town manager or other administrative official, shall forthwith submit to the budget committee a comparative statement of all appropriations and all expenditures by them made in such detail as the budget committee may require. The budget committee shall meet periodically to review such statements. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to mean that the budget committee, or any member of the committee, shall have any authority to dispute or challenge the discretion of other officials over current town or district expenditures, except as provided in RSA 32:23.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993.

Section 32:23

32:23 Initiation of Removal Proceedings. – Upon receipt of the reports provided for by RSA 32:22, the budget committee shall examine the same promptly, and if it shall be found that the governing body or town manager have failed to comply with the provisions of this chapter concerning expenditures, a majority of the committee, at the expense of the municipality, may petition the superior court for removal as provided in RSA 32:12.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993.

Section 32:24

32:24 Other Committees. – Nothing in this subdivision shall prevent a municipality or school administrative unit from establishing advisory budget or finance committees, with such duties and powers as the municipality or school administrative unit sees fit, but no such committee's recommendations shall have any limiting effect on appropriations, as set forth in RSA 32:18, unless all the procedures in this subdivision are followed.

Source. 1993, 332:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1993. 1996, 98:1, eff. July 1, 1996.

Biennial Budgets

Section 32:25

32:25 Biennial Budget; Authorization. – Any city, town, unincorporated town, unorganized place, school district, village district, or county may budget receipts and expenditures, raise and appropriate revenues, and assess taxes on a biennial budget basis consisting of one distinct 24-month fiscal year or 2 distinct 12-month fiscal years. The governing body may allow for the carry over of funds from the first fiscal year of the biennium to the second.

Source. 1998, 54:1, eff. April 1, 1998. 2006, 148:1, eff. July 21, 2006.

Section 32:26

32:26 Procedure for Adoption. – Any city, town, unincorporated town, unorganized place, school district, village district, or county may adopt the provisions of RSA 32:25 relative to a biennial budget in the normal manner used in the political subdivision for acts of the local legislative body.

Source. 1998, 54:1, eff. April 1, 1998.