Critical Friends Group

According to the National School Reform Faculty, a Critical Friends Group (CFG) community is a particular variety of Professional Learning Community (PLC). CFG communities consist of 5-12 members who commit to improving their practice through collaborative learning and structured interactions (protocols), and meet at least once a month for about two hours.

CFG work can do a lot for a school:

  • honor and prioritize time for deep reflection,
  • develop critical problem-solving,
  • build trust between colleagues,
  • reduce teacher and administrator isolation,
  • reveal solutions to complex dilemmas,
  • foster equity,
  • change school culture,
  • model and build 21st Century Skills

In UVEI, a Critical Friends Group (CFG) is a small mixed group of elementary and secondary Interns who meet on a regular basis to engage in professional discourse. CFG meetings are occasions for confidential sharing among Interns and for learning about group process in professional situations.

For more information about Critical Friends Groups, and useful protocols for facilitating CFGs, see the School Reform Initiative.