Analyzing Student Work

Analyzing Student Work (ASW) is the process of developing ongoing criteria with which to assess student work, identify and examine specific student learning needs, and facilitate differentiated instruction.

When teachers do not assess the efficacy of their instructional practices, "We are like sailors trying to sail without a wind, hoping that we end up at the desired port." Analyzing Student Work affords teachers opportunities to improve instructional practices by identifying and understanding students' specific learning needs. In analyzing student work, teachers to identify and refine instructional goals and seek ongoing improvement in their teaching practices.

When done collaboratively, examination of student work can give teachers a richer understanding of their students' progress in reaching instructional goals. And analysis of student work is often a key feature of the work of professional learning communities.

The following organizations have some useful protocols for collaboratively examining student work: ASCD, Coalition of Essential Schools, and the School Reform Initiative (see "Learning from Student Work")