Questioning & Problem Posing

One of the 16 habits of mind described by by Costa and Kallick, who define it as having a questioning attitude; knowing what data are needed and developing questioning strategies to produce those data. Finding problems to solve.

Excerpted from: Costa, A., & Kallick, B. (2008). Learning and leading with habits of mind. Alexandria, VA.

Questioning and Posing Problems

One of the distinguishing characteristics of humans is our inclination and ability to find problems to solve. Effective problem solvers know how to ask questions to fill in the gaps between what they know and what they don't know. Effective questioners are inclined to ask a range of questions:

  • What evidence do you have?
  • How do you know that's true?
  • How reliable is this data source?

They also pose questions about alternative points of view:

  • From whose viewpoint are we seeing, reading, or hearing?
  • From what angle, what perspective, are we viewing this situation?

Effective questioners pose questions that make causal connections and relationships:

  • How are these (people, events, or situations) related to each other?
  • What produced this connection?

Sometimes they pose hypothetical problems characterized by "if" questions:

  • What do you think would happen if … ?
  • If that is true, then what might happen if … ?

Inquirers recognize discrepancies and phenomena in their environment, and they probe into their causes:

  • Why do cats purr?
  • How high can birds fly?
  • Why does the hair on my head grow so fast, while the hair on my arms and legs grows so slowly?
  • What would happen if we put the saltwater fish in a freshwater aquarium?
  • What are some alternative solutions to international conflicts, other than wars?

Some students may be unaware of the functions, classes, syntax, or intentions in questions. They may not realize that questions vary in complexity, structure, and purpose. They may pose simple questions intending to derive maximal results. When confronted with a discrepancy, they may lack an overall strategy to search for and find a solution.