5 Part Lesson at a Glance
The five-part lesson a multiple part lesson design that consists of an 1) an opening phase, 2) a modeling of new content phase, 3) a building & checking understanding phase, 4) a guided practice phase, and 5) a closing phase.
A more detailed discussion of the 5 part lesson model is included in this wiki.
Part 1-Opening
How will you build a bridge between students’ prior knowledge/interest and new content?
How will you motivate students by generating curiosity or anticipation for new content?
How will you communicate what is about to happen and how it will happen?
How will you communicate the importance of the topic(s), concept(s), strategies, etc.?
Part 2- Modeling
How will you give clear explanations of new concepts, skills, and/or strategies that you are introducing?
How will you teach and reinforce key vocabulary?
How will you move student thinking or skills from simple/concrete to more complex/abstract?
How will you model thinking/strategies that students can apply later in guided practice?
How will you engage students so that they actively process information?
How will you use models, visuals, graphic organizers, and/or demonstrations to clarify the concepts?
Part 3- Building/Checking Understanding
How will you ask students to explain or demonstrate understanding of new information, concepts, or strategies?
How will you probe for depth of understanding to recognize students’ misconceptions and misunderstandings?
How will you engage students in reformulating new understandings in their own words and further reconstruct their understanding?
How will you assess levels of student understanding to determine readiness/support needed for guided practice?
Part 4- Guided Practice
How will you provide explicit instructions and clearly state/model behavioral expectations?
How will you scaffold student practice to allow students to practice with increasing independence?
How will you monitor and correct student performance?
How will you provide differentiated support and/or remediation?
How will you facilitate student interactions with each other and the material?
Part 5- Closure
How will students share and get feedback on the results (or products) of their learning?
How will you assess student understanding and address any mistakes, misunderstandings, or misconceptions?
How will students review, summarize, or reflect on what they learned?
How will you connect back to the learning outcomes?
Independent Practice/Homework (if applicable)