Back to Back, Face to Face

Back to Back, Face to Face is a participation and engagement strategy that provides a method for sharing information and gaining multiple perspectives on a topic.


1. Find a partner and stand back-to-back with him/her. Be respectful of space.

2. Wait for the question, opinion, etc. that you will be asked to share with your partner.

3. Think about what it is you want to share and how you might best express yourself.

4. When the facilitator says, “face-to-face”, turn, face your partner, and decide who will share first if the facilitator has not

indicated that a certain person should go first.

5. Listen carefully when your partner is speaking and be sure to give him/her eye contact.

6. When given the signal, find a new partner, stand back-to-back and wait for your new questions, opinion, etc.

7. This may be repeated as many rounds as needed/appropriate.