Systemic Equity & Inequity

Systemic equity is defined as the transformed ways in which systems and individuals habitually operate to ensure that every learner—in whatever learning environment that learner is found—has the greatest opportunity to learn enhanced by the resources and supports necessary to achieve competence, excellence, independence, responsibility, and self-sufficiency for school and for life (Scott, 2001 as cited by Skrla, Garcia, & Nolly, 2004).

Systemic inequity is an inequity that is rooted in and perpetuated by a system (school, political, economic, etc.). I.e. tracking of low income students into non-college preparation academic programs (New Teacher Center, 2010).


New Teacher Center. (2010). Mentoring for Equity. Paper presented at the Mentor Professional Development, Santa Cruz, CA.

Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., Garcia, J., & Nolly, G. (2004). Equity Audits: A Practical Leadership Tool for Developing Equitable and Excellent Schools. Educational Administration Quarterly, 40(1), 133-161. doi:10.1177/0013161x03259148