7.3: Lebensraum


  1. Students will be able to explain how appeasement led to World War II in Europe by arguing whether or not appeasement was good strategy.
  2. Students will be able to explain why the Germans and Soviets formed an unlikely alliance at the start of World War II

Vocabulary: appease, pact, lebensraum


  1. Get a copy of this worksheet.
  2. Watch the video presentation entitled Appeasing Hitler (below), and answer questions 1-11 on the worksheet.
  3. Complete Part 2 of the worksheet by reading the Nazi-Soviet Pact Game.
  4. Once finished with the game, calculate your score by clicking here.
    • Note: The game portion of this lesson is optional, but the questions on the worksheet are not.

Video Presentation: Appeasing Hitler

Watch this video to learn about how the policy of appeasement helped embolden and strengthen Hitler and his Nazi regime.