Unit 7: World War II

Unit Goals:

  • Students will describe the causes of World War II, including the legacy of World War I and the rise of totalitarian states
  • Students will explain the different war time strategies used by the Axis and Allied powers during World War II
  • Students will analyze the cultural, economic, political, and technological effects of World War II on the World
  • Students will describe and interpret the causes and the effects of World War II on the relationship between the United States and Europe

Unit Vocabulary:

7.1: fascism, totalitarianism, nationalism, imperialism, militarism, propaganda, censorship, Spazio Vitale, lebensraum

7.2: The Weimar Republic, Chancellor, Reichstag, Cult of Personality

7.3: appeasement, Nazi-Soviet Pact, lebensraum

7.4: Guernica

7.5: D-Day, Operation Barbarossa, Battle of Britain, Battle of France, blitzkrieg, North African Campaign

7.6: Pearl Harbor, kamikaze, Rape of Nanking, Bataan Death March, Battle of Midway, Battle of Okinawa, Manhattan Project


Unit Quote:

"Democracy is a process, not a static condition. It is becoming rather than being. It can easily be lost, but never is fully won. It’s essence is eternal struggle." -William H. Hastie