5.6: Nationalism

Objectives: Students will be able to describe nationalism in detail and identify several key national movements

Vocabulary: nationalism, social darwinism, liberalism, nativism, official nationalism, homogenization


  1. Get a copy of this worksheet (ignore that it says 6.7 at the top)
  2. If you are making up this assignment, write "make-up" in the area reserved for the warmup.
  3. Answer questions 1-16 on he worksheet based on Part 1 of the Nationalism video (below). The questions may not be in order, but you should be able to answer them.
  4. Answer the remaining questions based on Part 2 of the Nationalism video as well as the videos on Mahatma Gandhi and Frantz Fanon.

Nationalism - Part 1

Watch this video first!

Nationalism - Part 2

Watch this second video on nationalism.

Mahatma Gandhi

Watch this clip from the movie Gandhi. The scene depicts a conversation between Gandhi and British officials. Gandhi explains to the British leaders why and how India will become independent.

Frantz Fanon

Watch this video on Frantz Fanon, an important thinker who advocated for the use of violence during the Algerian War of Independence.