Phoenicia & Etruria

Phoenicia and Etruria are two Bronze Age, Mediterranean civilizations that had a lasting impact on history. Both were effective traders and have left cultural contributions that continue to this day, including setting the stage for Rome to emerge as a political and military power. Your task is to create a Google Slides presentation that introduces both civilizations to the class. You will need to divide the presentation into two, addressing each society in turn.

Phoenicia Sources:

  1. Joshua Mark. "Phoenicia." Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2018.
  2. Try using the search engine on ABC Clio for additional sources, including images. All of the sources found there are trustworthy, and ABC Clio even provides the citations for you. You can get to ABC Clio by following this link. The username and password are both arborstudent

Etruria Sources:

  1. Mark Cartwright. "Etruscan Civilization." Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2017.
  2. Khan Academy. "The Etruscans, an Introduction." 2019.
  3. Try using the search engine on ABC Clio for additional sources, including images. All of the sources found there are trustworthy, and ABC Clio even provides the citations for you. You can get to ABC Clio by following this link. The username and password are both arborstudent