Topic 9: Conflict in the Middle East

Rising levels of nationalism and a global trend of decolonization are responsible for increasing tensions in the Middle East. Add to that the competing influences of the United States and the Soviet Union, and the high levels of unrest seen in the region become more understandable. In this topic you will take a closer look at several of the conflicts in the Middle East during the Cold War.

REMINDER: The answers to these questions will be found in the worksheet labeled "Part II". This worksheet will be posted on Google Classroom.

Source A: Israel & Palestine

The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been heated ever since the end of World War II, and continues to this day. Although a bit long, this video does a remarkably good job at dissecting this complex issue. Use it to help you answer questions 1-15 on your worksheet.

Source B: The Suez Canal Crisis

Suez Canal crisis.pdf

This article explores the conflict that almost brought war to the Middle East. Use the article to help you answer questions 16-21.

Source C: The Trial of Adolf Eichmann

The trial of Adolf Eichmann was an event that sought to bring justice to an escaped Nazi war criminal. The trial captivated the attention of the world. Use this video to help you answer questions 22-28.

Source D: The Invasion of Afghanistan

Afghanistan Invasion.pdf

The invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union has often been called the "Soviet Union's Vietnam." Learn about the mistakes made there by reading this article and answering questions 29-33.

Source E: Iran's Islamic Revolution

An Islamic Revolution in Iran

The revolution in Iran would serve to expand Islamic influence in the region, which continues to influence us today. Use this source to help you answer questions 34-37.

Source F: The Iran Hostage Crisis

The Iran Hostage crisis made America look like a fool. Learn more by watching the video and answering questions 38-42.