Lesson 3.1: World Religions

Objective: Students will create a Google Slides presentation based on one of the major religions of the world

Vocabulary: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, temple, mosque, church, synagogue


  • Your goal is to create a Google Slides presentation on an assigned world religion and present it to the class. This presentation is meant to be only introductory in nature.
  • Start by viewing the expectations for this project. Click here to open the prepared outline for your presentation. Please note the "must include" elements at the bottom of the page (only do those for your group).
  • You will need to conduct research in order to complete this assignment. Use the resources found below that are associated with your assigned world religion

Makeup Assignment

This is a makeup assignment. The original assignment involved a group project that is not possible to recreate on this website.

  • Objectives: Students will create a Google Slides presentation based on one of the major religions of the world
  • Vocabulary: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, temple, mosque, church, synagogue


On a lined sheet of paper, write a paragraph summary for each of the world religions listed bellow. Be sure to include core beliefs, size and location of the practitioners for each religion (i.e. demographics), along with any other important bits of information. Paragraphs should be minimum 5 sentences each. There are 9 religions listed, therefore I am expecting 9 paragraphs. I would remind you that this is make-up for a group project that spans four classes long, and will make up a significant portion of your quarter 2 grade.

    1. Hinduism - Hinduism Article
    2. Islam - Islam Article
    3. Buddhism - Buddhism Article
    4. Judaism - Judaism Article
    5. Christianity - Christianity Article
    6. Taoism / Daoism - Daoism Article
    7. Zoroastrianism - Zoroastrianism Article
    8. Sikhism - Sikhism Article