Topic 8: The Decolonization of Africa

During the Cold War, Africa experienced waves of decolonization, which saw many African nation-states gain their independence from European empire. Although some independent movements were relatively peaceful, the majority were plagued by violence and subsequent civil wars. Racial tensions would further divide the continent, as seen in South Africa where apartheid was fought by civil rights organizations and activists, most famously Nelson Mandela. This movement would go on to inspire America's own Civil Rights movements of the 1950s and 60s.

REMINDER: The answers to these questions will be found in the worksheet labeled "Part II". This worksheet will be posted on Google Classroom.

Source A: South African Apartheid

This video does an admirable job at explaining apartheid. Use it to answer questions 1-2 on worksheet (Part II) for Topic 8.

Source B: Nelson Mandela

This video examines the legacy of anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela. Use it to answer questions 3-9.

Source C: Ghana's Independence


Ghana was the first sub-Saharan colony to gain its independence. Read this article to learn more and hellp you answer questions 10-12.

Source D: The Mau Mau Revolt

Mau Mau Revolt.pdf

The Mau Mau Revolt was a bloody anti-imperial movement. Read the article to help you answer questions 13-19.

Source E: The Algerian War of Independence

The Algerian War was a long a bloody war for independence. Use this source to help you answer questions 20-26.

Source F: The Congolese Civil War

Congolese Civil War.pdf

Sometimes independence was not enough, and civil wars over how to run a new country would ensue. The Congo is an excellent example of this. Read this article to learn more and to answer questions 27-30.

Source G: The Angolan Civil Wars

Angolan Civil Wars.pdf

The Angolan Civil Wars are one of the longest conflicts in history. Read this article to find the answers to questions 31 & 32.

Question 33 is based on all of the above articles.