Lesson 2.6: The Roman Empire


    • Students will answer questions about the foundation of Rome based on a short video
    • Students will be able to describe characteristics of the Roman Empire that made it so formidable based on a video about the Punic Wars
    • Students will be able to explain how Rome went from a Republic to a dictatorship by answering questions based on a telling of the story of Julius Caesar, Augustus, et al., as well as from a hypothetical scenario that relates the Roman Empire to contemporary America.
  • Vocabulary: The Punic Wars, Caesar


Romulus & Remus

The Punic Wars

The Roman Novella

This section will be hard to make-up. You have 2 options:

(1) Use google/wikipedia or other sources to match the names with the descriptions, or skip this section


(2) Watch the above video and write a summary of it on a separate sheet of paper. The summary should be at least 5 sentences long. Attache the paper to the worksheet and turn it in together.

Hail to the Chief Dilemma

Read the scenario below. Do not worry about the questions on the reading. Answer the questions found on your worksheet instead.