Lesson 3.7: The Protestant Reformation

  • Objective: Students will be able to write a paragraph about the impact of the Protestant Reformation based on a presentation and a Reader's Theater
  • Vocabulary: Thirty Years' War, Protestant Reformation, The Church of England (Anglican), indulgences
  • Directions:
    1. Grab a lined sheet of paper and title it "3.7 Protestant Reformation Make-Up"
    2. Write a paragraph that argues that the Protestant Reformation had a big impact on European history.
      • Use the sources below to write your paragraph.
      • Be sure to include reformers such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry VIII of England. Also include the Thirty Years' War.
      • Use CEA Format and cite. If you need reminders on how to do this, review Lesson 1.8 (CEA Format) and Lesson 1.9 (citations).
    3. Watch the below video on the Protestant Reformation

3. Browse through this web page on Calvinism

4. Watch the video below on the Thirty Years' War. Pay close attention to the outcomes of the war.