The Olmec Civilization

The Olmec are the oldest civilization in what is today considered Latin America, dating from 1600 BCE to 350 BCE. Much is still not known about the Olmec, but we do know that their civilization was extensive, covering much of modern-day Mexico, and their culture has influenced later civilizations, like the Maya and Aztecs. Your task will be to provide a brief introduction to the Olmecs using Google Classroom so that the class may learn from your research.


  1. Mark Cartwright. "Olmec Civilization." Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2018.
  2. Khan Academy. "The Olmec." 2019.
  3. Try using the search engine on ABC Clio for additional sources, including images. All of the sources found there are trustworthy, and ABC Clio even provides the citations for you. You can get to ABC Clio by following this link. The username and password are both arborstudent