Lesson 1.10: To Cite is Right

  • Objective: Students will be able to explain what citations are, why it is important to cite, and demonstrate how to use citations in their writings with an 80% success rate
  • Vocabulary: cite / citations
  • Directions:
    • Watch the video below on the expectation regarding citations in Mr. Booth's class
    • To view the presentation found in the video, click here
    • Choose 2 secondary sources in the form of a book or magazine (this can be something in your house, or an article online).
    • Complete the following on a lined paper:
      • Title the assignment "Lesson 1.10", put your name on it, and your period number
      • Write two paraphrases or summaries based on each of the two sources you chose and cite them using the expectations outlined in Mr. Booth's video and presentation (just in-text citations, not the works cited page)
      • Write two quotes based on your source and cite them using the expectations outlined in Mr. Booth's video and presentation (again, just in-text citations)
        • Click here to view an example of a complete assignment
      • Turn in the assignment for a grade