Yellow River Valley

Starting around 4,000 BCE, the Yellow River Valley civilization, dominated by the Xia and Shang dynasties, became the foundation for many of China’s empires. A period of policial stability enabled the Shang to acquire numerous technological, cultural, and religious achievements. Your task is to create a Google Slides presentation that introduces the Yellow River Valley Civilization so that your peers can learn from your research


  1. The River Valley Civilization Guide. "Yellow River Valley Civilization." 2011.
  2. Emily Mark. "Xia Dynasty Civilization." Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2016.
  3. Emily Mark. "Shang Dynasty." Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2016.
  4. Khan Academy. "Shang Dynasty Civilization." 2019.
  5. Try using the search engine on ABC Clio for additional sources, including images. All of the sources found there are trustworthy, and ABC Clio even provides the citations for you. You can get to ABC Clio by following this link. The username and password are both arborstudent