The Cold War Project


Greetings students. This is the homepage for the Cold War Project, which will provide you with the opportunity to boost your Quarter 3 grade by 10 percentage points. For example, if you currently have a 73.5% for Q3, and you complete this project will full marks, your Q3 grade will change to 83.5%, transforming your C into a B. I have chose the topic of the Cold War for this project because that was the next unit we were going to cover prior to this unanticipated break from classes, and also because I feel it is important information for you learn. This way this topic is not completely neglected.

The project will be divided into 2 Parts, each with 5 topics on the Cold War, with each topic worth 1 percentage point. This project will be posted on Google Classroom with the worksheet and a link to this webpage where the materials needed to complete it can be found. I will create the worksheet using Google Docs. When you complete the worksheet, be sure to select the "Turn in" button on Google Classroom (also found with in the Google Doc). Otherwise, I will not know that you completed the assignment and it will not be graded.

2 Parts, 10 Topics

The Google Docs worksheet posted on Google Classroom is divided into 2 parts, each with 5 Topics. Each topic is worth 1 percentage point, and the material for each topic is found on the links below. When you are ready to complete a topic, just answer the question on the Cold War Project worksheet by following the links below.