Topic 1: Roots of the Cold War

The purpose of this topic is to introduce you to the Cold War, and to explain how the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union began.

Complete questions for Topic 1 on the Cold War Project Worksheet (found on Google Classroom) using the source material posted below.

Source A: Background to the Cold War

Material 1 - Background to the Cold War.pdf

This articles summarizes the tensions that gave rise to the Cold War. Use this source to answer questions 2-7 on the worksheet.

Source B: Yalta & Potsdam Conferences

Material B - Yalta & Potsdam Conference.pdf

This article highlights the important decisions made at the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences. These decisions would prove to push the Soviet Union and the United States closer to a Cold War. Use this source to answer questions 8-12

Source C: Churchill VS Stalin

Source C - Churchill VS Stalin.pdf

This article compares the attitudes and decisions of two important leaders: Great Britain's Winston Churchill, and the Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin. Use this source to answer questions 13-22

Source D: The Truman Doctrine

This video provides a brief description of the Truman Doctrine. Use it to answer questions 23 & 24

Source E: The Marshall Plan

Source E - The Marshall Plan.pdf

This article provides multiple quotes from the Marshall Plan, the plan the Allies implemented to help western Europe recover after World War II. Use this source to answer questions 25-27.

Bonus Video: The Iron Curtain

If you are interested in learning more on this topic, check out this video. It does a great job at explaining the Iron Curtain and the ideological divide in Europe.