Topic 7: Cold War Latin America

This topic continues the theme of communism vs capitalism as the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union shifts to Latin America. This conflict will include power struggles over the influence of countries such as Cuba, Chile, Nicaragua, Argentina, and Grenada.

REMINDER: The answers to these questions will be found in the worksheet labeled "Part II". This worksheet will be posted on Google Classroom.

Source A: The Cuban Revolution

The first communist state on the American continent was the island of Cuba. This video explores the emergence of communist Cuba. Use this source to help you answer questions 1-4 on the worksheet for Topic 7.

Source B: The Bay of Pigs Invasion

The Bay of Pigs Invasion was a US-backed attempt to overthrow the communist regime in Cuba. Use this article to help you answer questions 5-8. If you are having difficulty reading the article, try this link:

Source C: The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis is the closest time we have come to nuclear war. This video explores the event in more detail and will help you answer questions 9-12.

Source D: The Chilean Coup

The US has a pattern of involving itself in the affairs of Latin American countries who have gravitated towards communism. The Chilean Coup, as explored in this video, is an example of this. You can use this source to help you answer questions 13-18.

Source E: The Contra War

Contra War.pdf

The Contra War was another conflict between communist and US-backed forces in Latin America; this time Nicaragua. Use this article to help you answer questions 19-21.

Source F: US Invasion of Grenada

This article explores the US invasion of Grenada. Use it to help you answer questions 22-25. If you are having trouble viewing the article above, try this link: