Unit 6: World War I & Beyond

Unit Goals:

  • Students will describe and interpret the causes and effects of World War I including the economic and political impact
  • Students will analyze how technological advancements in weaponry affected the fighting and outcome of World War I
  • Students will describe the causes and effects of the Russian Revolution
  • Students will describe the causes of World War II, including the legacy of World War I and the rise of totalitarian states
  • Students will analyze the cultural, economic, political, and technological effects of World War I on the World
  • Students will describe and interpret the causes and the effects of World War I on the relationship between the United States and Europe


6.1: militarism, alliance, imperialism, nationalism

6.2: assassination, entangling alliances

6.3: trench warfare, poison gas mortars, vickers gun, barbed wire

6.4: autocracy, Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Red October, Bolshevik, Menshivik

6.5: unrestricted submarine warfare, u-boat, Zimmermann Telegram

6.6: Treaty of Versailles

6.7: League of Nations, Mandate System


Unit Quotes:

What the horrors of war are, no one can imagine. They are not wounds and blood and fever, spotted and low, or dysentery, chronic and acute, cold and heat and famine. They are intoxication, drunken brutality, demoralization and disorder on the part of the inferior... jealousies, meanness, indifference, selfish brutality on the part of the superior" -Florence Nightingale

"[I] like the American soldier individually but do not like the nation as a whole. America entered the war for what money should could get out of it" -Frieda Fischer of Lohndorf, Germany, 1919