The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan

Post date: May 12, 2015 1:22:00 PM

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Imagine if you were destined to die when you turn 18. Well in the book The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan that is the fate of our main character Percy. If you read this book you would automatically know that the genre is fantasy. Now tell me would you want to find out your destiny was to die when you turn 18.

In this book our main character Percy finds out his destiny was to die when he was 18 he tries to change his destiny. But then something happens while Percy is trying to change his destiny the titans break out into a war against the half bloods. Then the half bloods have to find a way to kill the titans without getting hurt. The theme of this book is Percy is trying to change his fate.

If you are into gods and goddess you will love this book. I recommend this book because it is fantasy. Also the book keeps you interested it is like a cliffhanger and it is a little mysterious. One thing interesting about Rick Riordan is this not the only series he has written.

-Krisha A.