I Left My Sneakers in Dimension X by Bruce Coville

Post date: Jun 7, 2016 2:57:12 PM

Have you ever heard of a book called, I Left my Sneakers in Dimension X? Bruce Coville made this book. It’s about two kids that know about aliens and get dragged into dimension X. It’s a cool science fiction books with crazy aliens that’s out of this world.

In this science fiction book it’s about where Rod and his bratty cousin Elspeth went to a corn field where his grandpa used to grow. It was called the “seldom seen,” they saw a hole but then Rod realized it was a footprint. Soon enough Smorkus Flinders grabbed them and took them to dimension X. Will Grakker their alien friend save them from dimension x?

You should get this book because you can see what aliens look like, it has so much sensory detail you can imagine what the aliens look like. It will make you feel as if it is real life. As you can see the author is a very detailed person. I guarantee you will have a mental picture that looks exactly like the real thing. I promise you will like it and you won't regret it. This book is really good.

By, Jerry M.