Green Design MDP

First thing I would say about my MDP is that my USB hub requires less material than a USB hub with a wire. To incorporate green design more I would look at what materials I could use to replace the material that I ended up in my prototype. For this I need to consider how the plastic is made. I also need to also consider if the plastic is biodegradable or not. The perfect plastic for my prototype is PLA, it's biodegradable and made with little to no carbon emissions other than that from the power plant the electricity comes from; which I am almost certain is a nuclear power plant, being nuclear, the only emissions is water vapor.

Using PLA filament

  • is a Biodegradable plastic

Electronic boards

  • using biodegradable electronic boards that make the whole device completely biodegradable


  • environmentally friendly non-alkaline batteries that won't leak
  • rechargeable batteries so you don't have to depose of batteries

Solar Panels

  • make it so the power doesn't have to come from potentially harmful environmentally power sources
  • Can also be biodegradable like electrical boards

WHM Comment - Reassessment - 16/20

Image not visible

IB Style is 3 evidence-based bullets per theme (not done, max of 2 for 2 items

WHM Comment - 10/20

Address 2 of 7 items

Equivalent to IB Style - 3 evidence-based bullets in support of each theme

Revise and resubmit