High Res Cain's Arcade

Post date: Nov 9, 2017 2:42:16 PM

When I came up with the game idea I was rem of a game played with a piece of paper that you try to kick through between two fingers representing a goalpost. after that, I tried to find a good picture of a football field that I could engrave onto the surface when I couldn't find one I made my own using the text and line tool. When I started to look for a good netting my good friend Tri showed me a bag that held marble and it was perfect. After I installed the netting, however, the two polls holding it up started to fall in on each other, so I put a bar across the top. I finished by making a goalpost using two layers of cardboard and using the angle tool to make an angled piece. I also designed score pieces with holes in the middle to fit through a straw. When I made the "footballs" nothing I tried worked very well at all until I tried a piece I made for my birdhouse that wasn't going to work for the birdhouse. This was perfect, and the last thing I made was a makeshift ball holder using tips of sticks to hold the balls in place.

The rules of the game are pretty simple. You must kick the ball, behind the 50-yard line, using your fingers between the two uprights. The ball doesn't have to physically go through the uprights, image if they extended forever. You play versus an opponent fist to six points wins. You MUST win by more than two points NO exceptions and the game CANNOT end prematurely NO exceptions.

Cardboard with engraved field markings

Netting set up from a wire bag mad to hold marbles

Added top crossbar to prevent the two bars pulling in on themselves


"Football" that was originally used for my prototype birdhouse

Football holder

score keep on both sides of the board

My friend Joe tries my game out