Sustainability of Electric Cars


  • better for the environment, due to the scale of power plants
  • cars themselves don't release any emissions


  • less infrastructure needed to build a power station
  • can plug a car in and charge overnight


  • Helping the community by helping the environment

I think the future of electric cars will be favorable. This is due to the factors of the environment but more importantly economic. It is already very convenient to just plug your car in over night. If someone finds a way to harness the electical grid and make it so you can charge anywhere, the future of electric cars would be favorable without a shadow of a doubt. However, for now building charging stations in more and more locations will better the effort of a favorable future for electric cars.

WHM Comments - 15/20

Partial IB 9 point response - should be three themes (correct); 3 evidence-based arguments per theme (incomplete)