Climate Change

I am normally a pragmatist who believes the market it, can and will solve the problems of humanity. However, we know too little about the environment as a whole to leave it up to chance. That's why I believe in a combination of all three options. For privatization it is clear that government is too slow, corruptible, inefficient, and lacking knowledge. Politician are politicians... whatever that really means, What it does mean is that they aren't engineers or scientist. Incentivization can be powerful way to sway how businesses operate and make decisions. This doesn't just mean giving them money but things more enticing like exclusive rights to certain market sectors or regions. For regulation, I do believe that new markets will come up and new inventions and new manufacturing techniques will arise. We must make sure these new techniques or inventions don't harm the environment worse than it already is. However these regulations shouldn't make life needlessly more complicated, they should be chosen pragmatically and only the ones that will have the biggest affect should be chosen in relation to how they make life easier for humanity. Finally for do nothing, I think that we need to be aware of the Kuznets curve and that only wealthy countries can afford to go green. to solve this, it is clear that we must increase trade and immigration between all countries, the wealth must be spread to all lands and dispersed. The one thing I do not believe is total control of everything to save the environment, we cannot properly predict the weather 3 days from now let alone 12 years. The earth hasn't always been the same temperature, the climate does change! We must know what change is natural and what change is human made exactly before we can make big rash decisions. Until then we must keep licking our wounds because we do not know anything and it is not worth a roll of the dice for either side. Doing nothing may lead to nothing or something same goes for total regulator control. The thing is we do not know enough to properly make this decision. We must remain calm, collected, and rational with our emotions. This is not an issue that can be made lightly, it can affect the whole future of humanity, and the decision should be made by experts not politician. the politicians should guide the experts not control their fate. We should all realize that the experts don't know everything... yet and that the politicians aren't experts, and that this isn't black and white, it's not yes or no, it's a deep issue and every factor must be taken into account if we are to find the best solution.

So did I fire 6 shots or only 5?