3D Puzzle

Post date: Nov 16, 2017 2:33:11 AM

For my 3D puzzle, I chose to make a football. I did this because I already had a football form 3D printing last year. To make the slice the football I downloaded a program called Slicer for Fusion 360, I then exported my .stl file from Fusion 360. The type of slice I used was a radial slice because this type of slice allowed the football to retain its natural shape. I was able to make the ball small enough to fit into two cuts. After I finished printing there were two small pieces that go on either end, I decided that they were too small and tedious to put onto the ball.

football in Slicer for Fusion 360

football in Slicer for Fusion 360

parts after being cut

football horizontally

football vertically

top view of the football