Week Two Update

Post date: Dec 7, 2017 3:24:47 PM

This week I first focused on finding a good axel to use. I settle on the pencil due to the side which allows it to grip the rubber band better. I also looked at using the sticks I used in the football game from last trimester. Problems with the sticks were they didn't grip the rubber band well, they were very thin but strong, and they weren't exactly straight. As a matter of fact, the straightness was the main issue as probably would have slowed the car down while making it less stable and more unpredictable. I was planning on also correcting the pieces that keep the wheels together, but the license on Adobe Illustrator ran out and I spent all of Thursday downloading a new version and I had a field trip on all day Friday for my robotics class.

Pencils for axels and rubber bands for movement