Week Twelve Update

Post date: Apr 15, 2018 3:02:06 AM

This week I started to make a vinyl cut for me and a teacher, Mr. Craw, but Mr. Moss informed me that the wire for the vinyl cutter is broken and he wouldn't get a new one till some time next week. Also, I will be on a trip for robotics for most of the week so I won't get the vinyl done for a while. In the meantime, I decided to continue work on the DNA Lamp. The first thing I did was solder back on the wires for the AC to DC power converter then added some more inside the base of the lamp. The last thing I did was I took everything on the audrino's breadboard and put it on to an external breadboard.

My Ideas for the vinyl cuts

Re-soldered power converter

Wires added to the base

new breadboard