Lombardi Trophy (Bling up My House)

Post date: Feb 27, 2017 1:53:52 PM

First I proceeded to make a circle on the y-axis and drew a line through part of it so it looked like half a football.

Next using the circular pattern I made a circular pattern of the laces. I also outlined the circle.

After that I made headway revolving the football shape forty five degrees and copied it thrice. Then revolved the laces between two plains.

Following that I sketched a line from the centre and sketched a circle at the end of the line. After that I made a circular pattern of the circles.

Using the extrude tool, with a taper of negative two, I made the neck of the trophy. The taper give the neck a sloping effect.

This is how the Lombardi Trophy came out of the printer. The words did not come out legible.

To fix the problem of the words, I cut the trophy in half. I did this so that both the halves could print next to each other on the same printer.

To cut them in halve I made a copy of the original trophy. I then made a box to erase half of the trophy and save that as it's own save. then I did the same with the other half of the trophy.

After the trophy was done printing I then stuck them together by using a wood engraver to melt the plastic and stick them together.

The Super Bowl inspired me to make the trophy. I chose to use Fusion 360 to make the trophy, because I enjoy using that software the most. Before I thought of making a bust of someones head, then I decided against it for the trophy, because I liked the idea of the trophy better and thought it would be much easier then making a bust of someones head.