Week Sixteen Post

Post date: May 11, 2018 2:11:02 PM

This week I started by making my shirt using the vinyl cutter and the hot press. I decided to make a shirt with the Ferrari logo on it because I love Ferrari's. After putting the logo into illustrator I made an image trace of the logo and attempted my first cut. The first cut was sloppy because the logo was too small and there was a box around the whole logo. I deleted the box from the image trace and scaled the logo up in increments of 150% and 200%. It came out perfectly then one of my classmates informed me that I had to invert the logo so that it would logo right on the shirt. This was due to the fact you put the logo on upside down and peel the top off to reveal a correct facing logo. I was unable to make any meaningful progress on the DNA Lamp, but I did think about using the bootloader, which I have struggled with, and I decided that I am just run the DNA lamp off my Arduino.

The Ferrari logo I chose to use

The image trace of the logo

First print of the logo

Uninverted logo ready to be put on a shirt

Inverted logo

Shirt with logo on it