Electrify Everything

I say electrify everything, as long as you make everything electric. If everything is electric then everything becomes more simple. You don't need to wonder weather to use an electric or gas, you use electric. Not only is electricity more efficient as everyone can be on one system and it takes less energy and costs less money to do things electrically, especially if everyone joins the network. The more people who join the network the cheap it becomes for everyone. The only thing I have against electrify everything is that it limits people's ability to choose their preferred method of power, whether it's gas or electricity. Electrify everything would have to be done in moderation and at the will of the people's will to adapt to a new method. We must prove that electrifying everything is the best and cheapest solution for all.

WHM Comment - 10/20

Requirement was IB style - 3 themes....with 3 supporting evidence-based bullets

Revise and resubmit