Assessing Criteria B

NBPS Student Criteria B

Achieved Level 3 because the student:

  • (strand i) low: selects an appropriate for detailed development with no justification
  • (strand ii) low: develops ideas with reference to the specifications that explore solutions to the problem
  • (strand iii) low: develops feasible ideas to meet appropriate specifications that explore solutions to the problem

The student would have achieved a higher level if they had:

  • (strand i): Better justify every design choice
  • (strand ii): sketch and analyse conceptual designs
  • (strand iii): extrapolate more on feasibility with evidence to back it up

The IBO sampler is better than the NBPS example because:

  • The IBO sampler gives many sketches with annotations and explanations
  • The NBPS example had very little if any explanations of any kind
  • The NBPS example didn't have any conceptual design sketches